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Electricity Transmission Performance Report 2019

This document is a joint TAO/TSO report between ESB Networks and EirGrid which looks at our performance in developing, operating and maintaining the transmission system throughout 2019.

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Electrification of Heat and Transport Strategy

ESB Networks recognises the pivotal role that the electrification of heat and transport can make to the decarbonisation of the Irish economy for 2030 and beyond towards net zero. The distribution system will be the critical link between customers electric vehicles and heat pumps and the zero carbon, renewables-based generation that will power them into the future. 

Ireland’s Climate Action Plan, released in 2019, and the National Energy and Climate Plan, released in 2020, have set challenging targets for uptake of electric vehicles and residential electric heating sources out to 2030. To achieve these targets, it is essential that the distribution system will not be, in any way, an impediment and should instead will facilitate customer adoption of electric vehicles and heat pumps. Our Electrification of Heat and Transport strategy sets out our approach to achieving our vision of facilitating our customers to connect at least 1,000,000 electric vehicles and at least 600,000 heat pumps on the distribution system by 2030.

The strategy has been developed cognisant of the growing interdependence between the electricity, heat and transport sectors requiring intense collaboration across these sectors. Therefore, as part of the development of this strategy we have engaged and sought feedback from a diverse range of stakeholders to ensure that our strategy is aligned with external stakeholder requirements and delivers a distribution system that will cost effectively power the heat and transport sectors of the future reliably and sustainably. 

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Emergency Restoration

Operational roles and responsibilities under emergency conditions. The detailed requirements are being developed and will be transferred into our existing Distribution Code.

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Energy Balancing

The Market Code which addresses balancing market design, operation and settlement. There are some common terms, requirements and interdependencies between this code and System Operation.

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ESB Group Policy Statement on Environmental Management and Sustainability

This Policy is a statement of the commitment of ESB Group in conducting our activities and those of our subsidiary companies in an environmentally responsible manner. This policy statement commits ESB Group to comply with all statutory and regulatory environmental legislation pertaining to our business operations.

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ESB Network Safety Statement 2023 v05_Web Accessible

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ESB Networks - 4Q2020 Innovation Project KPIs

The purpose of this document is to report, in summary, on the status of our Innovation Project activities as at the end of 2020. This information is being shared in line with our commitments to both the Commission for the Regulation of Utilities and our stakeholders to support transparency and the availability of more information in relation to our innovation projects.

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ESB Networks - EirGrid Multi-year DSO TSO Work Plan Covering 2022-2026

Our consultations are live until November 19th, 2021. If you would like to attend a Q&A/Roundtable session on these consultations or be kept up to date on the programme, please ensure you have registered your details by emailing

*Please note: Any documents published before the publication of the NDP 2021 – 2030 reflect the earlier targets, however our analyses and proposals have been developed on the basis of enabling higher penetrations and thus can support the updated 80% renewables penetration target.

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ESB Networks Activity Sheet Senior 1

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ESB Networks and EirGrid - Joint Outage Transformation Programme 23.01.24

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ESB Networks Annual Compliance Report 2013

This Report outlines the activities undertaken by the DSO and TAO in relation to the implementation of the Compliance Programme during 2013.

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ESB Networks Annual Compliance Report 2014

This Report outlines the activities undertaken by the DSO and TAO in relation to the implementation of the Compliance Programme during 2014.

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