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Metering Code for the Single Electricity Market

This code specifies the minimum technical, design, and operational criteria to be complied with for all commercial metering and data collection equipment, as well as the associated procedures.

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Microgeneration Framework Consultation

Background and Process

At ESB Networks, we are committed to putting the needs of our customers at the heart of everything we do. ESB Networks seeks to proactively contribute to Ireland’s decarbonisation targets and we are committed to enabling and empowering our customers as they transition towards the greater use of low carbon technologies.

To help us facilitate this transition and to best meet our customers’ needs, we are now seeking your comments and feedback, through our Public Consultation regarding Microgeneration.

Through the Microgeneration Framework we aim to inform our customers on the area of microgeneration and further examine the options available to facilitate their transformation from consumers of electricity to possible electricity prosumers.

Consultation Question

As part of ESB Networks’ ongoing collaboration and communication with our customers, there are a series of questions within the Microgeneration Framework where we welcome your feedback.

Consultation Update

Please note that the consultation period for this framework document is now closed.


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Minutes of Distribution Code Review Panel Meeting of 5th October 2022

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Minutes of Distribution Code Review Panel Meeting of 6th December 2022

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Modification #44 - 1.1 pu Clarification and Adoption of Declared Supply Voltage

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Modification 35 - Power Factor requirements for Type CD WFPS connections_CER Approved

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Modification Proposal #42 - Clarity of Power Factor requirements for windfarms at low power levels

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Modification Proposal #34a - Volt Freq FRT for all generators

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Modification Proposal #34b - Volt Freq FRT for all generators

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Modification Proposal #34c - Volt Freq FRT for all generators

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Modification Proposal #34d - Define Generator Operating Modes

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Modification Proposal #41 - DCRP Class Derogation

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