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Modification Proposal 40 Authorised Persons

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CRU has approved Modification No. 36 of the Distribution Code. The requirements stated under DCC11 are driven largely by the combined effect that large penetration of Non-Synchronous generation on the operation of the Transmission System. To date, this cohort of generation has comprised, almost exclusively of wind generation. It is now apparent that other forms of generation [most notably PV], which have an invertor between the primary source and the Connection Point, present the same technical challenges to System Operation. It is logical therefore that the same technical requirements should apply to them.

This approach is also consistent with that which will be taken upon adoption of the European Network Codes, most notably the Requirements for Generation [RfG], wherein the document structure is divided between Synchronous Generators and what are termed Power Park Modules.

Separately, the total quantum of generation connecting to the system has reached levels at which the quantum of un-controlled real power from distribution connected generation poses a threat to the stability of the power system. For that reason and for the reasons stated above with regard to the increase in solar generation connections, EirGrid deem necessary to make more of the PPM fleet MW controllable.

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MV _amp_ LV Cable Installation Drawings

Drawings of MV & LV Cable Installations.

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MV Customer Connection – MV EGIP Standard Module Substation


In order to support the Irish Government's National Climate Action Plan, ESB Networks needs to develop standard options to facilitate faster and optimised connection options for renewable and customer connections to our network.

As part of the Irish Government’s Climate Action Plan 2019, there are several targets within the electricity sector that must be met by 2030 including “the development of up to 1.5 GW of grid scale solar energy, an increase in onshore wind capacity of up to 8.2 GW”. As the generation market in Ireland is moving towards low carbon renewables, there has been a marked increase in smaller Independent Power Providers (IPPs) looking for connections to the electricity network. A significant number of solar connections are expected to come on-stream from 2021. As an IPP could have a solar farm constructed in a much shorter timeframe than, for example, a windfarm development, ESB Networks will have to deliver a Medium Voltage (MV - 20 or 10 kV) Embedded Generation Interface Protection (EGIP) Substation connection in a considerably shorter timeframe than our current standard.

The aim of this project is to support the renewable generation industry by facilitating a faster connection of embedded generation to the Distribution System. ESB Networks has developed an MV EGIP Standard Module solution that will allow for 1 to 20 MVA connection to ESB Networks MV System (Note: Generation Connection load capacity is still subject to system voltage present at connection node, local system capacity and possible system reinforcement requirements upstream of connection). This solution will remove the requirement to build a free standing MV block building, which requires significant on-site construction, with a module that can be factory built and then deployed to site thus allowing for faster connection to the system.

Consultation Question:

Introducing an alternative connection option for MV customers requires significant stakeholder consultation, as such we would like to get feedback from all stakeholders and welcome any comments interested stakeholders may have on this proposal. 

Next Steps:

The consultation period will close at 5pm on Friday 15th January 2021, please send your feedback to

Please Note: To facilitate stakeholder feedback, in conjunction with the consultation document, we will be hosting a public webinar on Friday 11th December (12.00pm – 1.00pm), and a showcase of a standard module build at ESB Networks’ National Training Centre in Portlaoise, Co. Laois in Q1 2021 (further details to follow).

To register your interest in attending our webinar event and/or showcase event, please email, indicating which event (webinar and/or showcase) you wish to attend.

Expressions of interest to attend can be included in your feedback on the consultation document.

In light of the COVID-19 restrictions and safety procedures, attendance at the showcase event at ESB Networks’ National Training Centre in Portlaoise, Co. Laois, in Q1 2021 may be limited.

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MV Customer Connection Standard Module – Electric Vehicle Charging Hubs in Urban Environment

In order to meet the targets set out in the National Climate Action Plan, ESB Networks is developing standard module connection options to facilitate the faster connection of customers deploying low-carbon technology. ESB Networks is looking for stakeholder feedback on our proposed alternative MV connection options for electric vehicle charging sites in urban service station locations. 

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National Code of Practice

This document explains the arrangements that exist at the interface point between the electricity network and customers' equipment for a range of electricity connection situations.

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Networks for Net Zero Strategy Document |PDF 20 MB

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Networks for Net Zero Strategy SUMMARY |Download PDF 9 MB

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New Bank pdf

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New Generator Connection Application (NC5)

This form should be completed by customers who want a new generator connected to the distribution system.

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New Generator Connection Application (NC5A)

New Generator Connection Application. This form should be completed by customers who want a new generator connected to the distribution system.

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New or Changed Unmetered Connection Application (includes Public Lighting) (NC4)

This application form is for customers who wish to apply for a connection to the electricity distribution system for unmetered connections.  NC4 |ESB Networks 

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