All Publications
1 MB
Vulnerable Customer Policy
In this Code of Practice we outline how we support you as a Vulnerable Customer. If you are registered with your Electricity Supplier as a vulnerable customer we offer support by providing the services outlined in this document.
213 KB
WFPS Fault Ride Through
Modification No. 31 - WFPS Fault Ride Through.
Effective Date 23/02/2015
222 KB
WFPS Voltage Regulation
Modification No. 32 - WFPS Voltage Regulation.
Effective Date 23/02/2015
216 KB
WFPS Voltage Step Change
Modification No. 33 - WFPS Voltage Step Change.
Effective Date 23/02/2015
909 KB
Wind Farm Distribution Code Testing
This document sets out the agreed approach between the TSO and the DSO in relation to Distribution Code Compliance Testing process for controllable wind farm power stations (WFPS) with a registered capacity of 5 MW or more.
547 KB
Windfarm Performance Monitoring Process
This document outlines the process that is adopted by Eirgrid and ESB Networks in monitoring the performance of Wind Farm Power Stations (WFPS)
512 KB
Your Meter Cabinet
This document outlines the specification for standard non-scheme domestic underground services to an outdoor meter cabinet.