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Networks for Net Zero strategy

Decarbonisation of the electricity system by 2040 video

Three strategic objectives core to deliver our strategy

Decarbonised electricity
  • Our commitment to working alongside customers and communities, supporting them to achieve Net Zero.
  • Our core purpose is to provide universal, affordable access to secure and sustainable electricity to all customers.
  • As the electricity system transitions towards a smarter, sustainable model, the operation and management of these new resources will require a digital network that is flexible and smart. Our core purpose is to provide universal, affordable access to secure and sustainable electricity to all customers.
Empowered customers
  • Our commitment to working alongside customers and communities, supporting them to achieve Net Zero.
  • We will use data and digital technologies to deliver convenient and personalised customer experiences. We will also develop insight-driven services to meet diverse and evolving customer needs.
  • ESB Networks will put in place solutions for our networks customers to enable the electrification of heat and transport. We will make it easy for customers and communities to participate in markets for flexibility and make active choices in their use of energy.
Resilient infrastructure
  • The transition to a low carbon future powered by clean electricity requires a network that is resilient to the impacts of climate change and disruptive events such as storms and cyber threats.
  • It also recognises we need to build capacity to connect the renewable generation to our network that will generate the clean electricity.
  • In addition, we need to provide network capacity for the demand associated with significant population growth, new housing developments, economic growth, as well as a significant increase in demand due to electrification of heat, transport and industry.
technicians in front of solar panel

Price Review 6 business plan

ESB Networks has set out its investment proposals for the period 2026 to 2030 in the Price Review 6 business plan. The business plan outlines ESB Networks’ proposed approach to ensuring that Ireland’s electricity network remains safe, robust and resilient, and can support national policy outcomes relating to housing, economic growth and climate action.

Open Price Review 6 business plan

Delivering the network for Ireland’s clean electric future

Read about our strategy

A couple sitting on a couch looking at their tablet

Share with us your ideas

Join us on the journey, in delivering the electricity network for Ireland’s clean electric future, by sharing your ideas with us, challenging what we do and continuing to keep us responsible. We want to hear your views on how ESB Networks delivers Net Zero.

Please send your comments and feedback to