ESB Networks DAC, a ring fenced subsidiary within ESB Group, is the licensed operator of the electricity distribution system in the Republic of Ireland. ESB is the owner of the distribution system (DAO) and the transmission assets (TAO). With the consent of the Commission for Regulation of Utilities (CRU), staff in the ESB Networks business unit carry out the licensed functions of the Transmission Asset Owner, Distribution Asset Owner and Distribution System Operator, under the management of ESB Networks DAC. CRU issued the DSO Licence to ESB Networks DAC and they have issued TAO and DAO Licences to ESB.
Further information and downloads of our licences, codes and policies are set out below:
Internal controls are designed to ensure that we get the right things done, for the right reasons, the right way, and at the right time. They are designed to provide reasonable assurance that risks are appropriately managed, and objectives achieved. This is done through a form of policies, procedures, operational guidelines, instructions, information systems and monitoring and reporting processes.
Who is responsible for ESB Networks’ system of internal control?
The ESB Networks DAC Board has overall responsibility for reviewing, on an annual basis, the Company’s system of internal controls (including financial controls) and monitoring of its effectiveness.
Internal control
The system of internal control is designed to provide reasonable but not absolute assurance against the risk of material misstatement or loss. To ensure that the internal controls are in compliance with legislation and regulations, an organisational structure has been established with clear operating and reporting procedures, lines of responsibility, authorisation limits, segregation of duties and delegated authority.
ESB Networks internal control framework
Our framework includes the following:
Internal control monitoring
These controls are reviewed systematically by ESB Group Internal Audit. In these reviews, emphasis is focused on areas of greater risk. The ESB Networks DAC Board, ensures that there is an effective system of internal controls in place which are regularly reviewed and monitored. The process to review the effectiveness of the system of internal control includes:
Effective risk management is critical to the achievement of ESB Networks’ strategic objectives and the long-term sustainable growth of its business. The rapid changes taking place in ESB Networks makes it more important to continuously reassess risks and have clear strategies to manage them. The ESB Networks DAC Board has overall responsibility for ESB Networks’ approach to risk, with a view to satisfying itself that the systems of risk management used are robust and defensible.
Specifically the ESB Networks DAC Board is responsible for:
The ESB Networks DAC Board wants to ensure that sufficient risk management skills and capabilities are available in the business and that the knowledge and experience of all the staff in ESB Networks who understand the risks associated with operations are utilised.
Risk appetite may also vary over time and the ESB Networks DAC Board has explicitly considered the level of this appetite and any deviation from its stated appetite for risk that ESB Networks is prepared to accept in respect of specific risks.
It is the policy of ESB to have and support an ESB Group Internal Audit function that operates to best international standards. ESB Group Internal Audit is an independent, objective assurance and consulting function charged with reviewing company activities across all areas within ESB Group, including ESB Networks. ESB Networks DAC Board and management utilise this service to evaluate and improve the effectiveness of risk management, control and governance processes in ESB Networks. ESB Group Internal Audit report biannually to the ESB Networks DAC Board on the status of issues raised previously from their own reports and any reports from external auditors.
To read the ESB Group Internal Audit Charter, please click here
Aligned to our values, ESB Networks strives to operate in a manner that demonstrates our integrity, always complying with the laws and regulations of Ireland. In ESB Networks we are committed to conducting our activities in an open and transparent manner
Transparency arrangements in Ireland
Lobbying activities in Ireland are governed by the Regulation of Lobbying Act, 2015 (“the Act”). As a commercial semi-state company, ESB Networks regularly communicates with legislators and other public officials on matters impacting our business. To the extent that ESB Networks engages in any lobbying activities requiring disclosure under the Act, such activities are conducted in a transparent manner and in compliance with the requirements of the Act. ESB Networks, as part of ESB Group has registered with the Standards in Public Office Commission (SIPO) and details of ESB Networks lobbying activities are reported and are publicly available through SIPOs lobbying register.
Transparency and the EU
At EU level, there are separate transparency obligations. These require an organisation to register on the EU’s Transparency Register if it seeks to influence the formulation or implementation of policy and decision-making processes of the EU institutions and carries out any of the relevant activities. ESB Networks, as part of ESB Group, has registered on the EU Transparency Register and as such, the agenda of any engagements with relevant EU representatives is disclosed on the EU platform, in addition to EU consultations submissions are provided in relation to any funding or grants received on an annual basis.
ESB Networks operates within a Language Scheme as part of ESB Group. We strive to comply with the requirements of the Act and to provide our services and communications in line with this.
At ESB Networks, we take your privacy seriously and we are fully committed to keeping your information private. Providing and holding personal information comes with significant rights on your part and significant responsibilities on ours.
It is important that you know exactly what we do with personal information that you and others provide to us, why we gather it and what it means to you. For further information on how ESB Networks manages your personal data please see the Data privacy section on the ESB Networks website.
If you wish to get a copy of your data please complete and submit the request through our online submission form.
Data Protection Officer contact details:
EC (Access to Information on the Environment) Regulations 2014 – 2018
ESB Networks DAC is a public authority for purposes of the European Communities (Access to Information on the Environment) Regulations 2007-2018 ("the AIE Regulations"). Under the AIE Regulations you are entitled to request access to information on the environment that is held by or for ESB Networks DAC.
For further information on Access to Information on the Environment, please refer to the following page on our website Environmental information requests.
Freedom of Information
The Freedom of Information Act 2014 (the FOI Act) applies to ESB Networks DAC, in its capacity as the licensed Distribution System Operator (DSO). Under the FOI Act you are entitled to request access to records held by or for ESB Networks DAC under the DSO licence.
For further information on Freedom of Information and how to make a request please refer to the following page on our website about Freedom of Information.
Customer service is at the heart of everything we do at ESB Networks. We provide services to every electricity customer irrespective of their electricity supplier. We are committed to facilitating the move towards low Carbon technologies, supporting all customers to enable them to participate in the energy market.
For more information on ESB Networks customer policies please see the following:
ESB Networks DAC is committed to the highest standards of corporate governance, business integrity and stakeholder engagement in all its activities.
ESB Networks DAC Board is responsible for reviewing the Company’s approach to risk with a view to satisfying itself that the systems of risk management used in the Company are robust and defensible and reviewing, on an annual basis, the Company’s system of internal controls (including financial controls) and monitoring of its effectiveness.
Further information on the ESB Networks DAC Board and their terms of reference can be found at the following links:
The ESB Networks senior management team focuses on the execution of the ESB Networks’ strategy, technological and commercial developments, programme execution, financial and competitive performance, people development, governance and organisational development through day-to-day operations and management of the ESB Networks business.