For customers exporting between 50kVA and 200kVA your meter will be assessed to check its suitability to measure export. For the majority of customers in this range it is expected that the meter will be suitable to measure export and as such it will be configured to enable accurate readings to be taken by our team as part of the process and free of charge. For customers who have an installation which requires an alternative meter in order to measure export a quote will issue in advance for the work involved as this will be chargeable to the customer under the terms of the current regulated connection policy.
For customers under 50kVA, where a change of meter is required in order to measure export, the meter will be scheduled for replacement under the current phased Smart Metering Rollout Programme.
Currently the Smart Metering Rollout Programme is working to replace standard single phase domestic 24-hr meters (MCC01). Under the current rules announced by the CRU if you are eligible to receive a smart meter during this phase of the rollout, then you will need a smart meter to be paid for export. Where customers are eligible to have a smart meter installed, ESB Networks will endeavour to install a smart meter within four months of the completion of the relevant application process. ESB Networks will be in contact in advance of your smart meter exchange. For more information please see the Smart Metering Rollout Programme page..
For customers up to 50kVA, if you are not currently eligible to receive a smart meter during this phase of the rollout, then CRU has outlined that you may be paid based on a deemed export calculation until such time as a suitable smart meter is available for your connection type and installed as part of the phased Smart Metering Rollout Programme. For more information on this, please see CRU’s website.