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What is mini-generation?

Mini generation is the term for when an electricity customer installs inverter connected generation, within the range covered in the definition below, at a premises, to produce electricity. These generators are generally installed to produce clean electricity mainly for self-consumption, which reduces the need and cost of purchasing electricity. Mini-generation allows customers to take action to tackle the issues of climate change, rising electricity prices and need for fossil fuels on our journey to a clean electric future together.

Birdview of solar panels on a large house

Types of mini-generators

Mini-generation is designed to work in parallel with the electricity network and is known as a source of inverter connected electrical energy, and all similar electrical equipment, in the range as follows:

  • 25 amperes (6kVA) to 72 amperes (17kVA), when the connection is single-phase
  • 16 amperes (11kVA) to 72 amperes (50kVA), when the connection is three-phase

To get to know the technical requirements, please refer to the document, Conditions governing connection operation mini-generation and Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) section at the end of this page. Please note, that the FAQ section will be checked and updated regularly. If there are further questions on the mini-generation process, please email

Step-by-step guide

Step 1 - Familiarise yourself with the process

To connect a Mini-generator to the electricity network, you must follow the steps outlined in the document, Conditions Governing the Connection and Operation of Mini-Generation. It is recommended to read this document before you start your application.


Conditions Governing the Connection and Operation of Mini-Generation | Download PDF | 591 KB


If your connection includes an Export Limiting Scheme (ELS), please also refer to Conditions Governing the Connection and Operation of Export Limiting Scheme at LV and MV.


Note: For Mini-generation connections, the Maximum Export Capacity (MEC) is not permitted to be greater than the Maximum Import Capacity (MIC).


The Maximum Export Capacity (MEC) is defined as the maximum power, expressed in kVA, that is permitted by ESB Networks to transfer from the Customer’s Point of Connection to the Distribution System Operator (DSO) Network.


Note: An initial application form and accompanying documentation will be verified for completeness, accuracy and compliance. An invoice will then issue for the relevant application fee. An application is only deemed complete when the associated application fee invoice has been paid.


Based on the particulars provided in an application, and in light of the potential for installations to impact on the distribution system, ESB Networks will need to carry out a full technical assessment of a connection point prior to issuing a connection offer in order to ensure connection capacity is not exceeded and that grid safety, stability and reliability are maintained and to establish the nature of any upgrade works required to the system to facilitate the connection. Currently due to a high demand the average timeframe for the connection offer documents to issue is 8 to 10 weeks from payment of the application fee, however for a small number of complex applications this stage may take longer.


In order to ensure continued grid safety, stability and reliability, no connection offer or agreement shall be deemed to come into effect pending ESB Networks carrying out the necessary technical assessment. No action should be taken to connect the specified generation equipment unless and until such time as the connection offer detail are communicated to you and accepted.

Step 2 - Make an application

Download the updated (June 2022) mini-generation application form (NC7) at the link below or call 1800 372 757 to request a copy. This form should be used for all new applications.


NC7 Application Form | Download PDF | 531 KB


Email the completed form along with the associated documents listed below to


  • Block diagram (or Single line diagram, if available); A block diagram (or single line diagram) is required to accompany each NC7 application form to clarify the final configuration of the generation system proposed. It should indicate the final outline of the system and show any existing generation (including Micro-generation) including each inverter, the generation behind the inverter and also any inverter-connected storage devices;
  • Manufacturer’s Type Test Certificates; A type test certificate states that each make/model of Mini-generator has been tested in an accredited test laboratory and is compliant with standard EN 50549-1:2019. It provides the minimum information required to configure a safe and optimal system, see page 8 of the Conditions Governing the Connection and Operation of Mini-generation here;
  • See Manufacturer’s Export Limiting Scheme (ELS) Product Declaration Form for ESB Networks (if applicable)
  • Letter of Authority (LOA) (if applicable); A letter of authority signed by the owner of the MPRN authorising a third-party to act on their behalf on all matters relating to the application for connection of Mini-generation. Sample wording is available at the bottom of the step-by-step guide on this webpage. Please email if you would like a Microsoft Word template.


It is also possible to post your documents to:

ESB Networks DAC,

NC7 Mini-Generation, 

New Connections, 

Sarsfield Road,


Co. Cork, 

T12 E367

Step 3 - Application fee

The application is reviewed commercially and once it is deemed commercially complete, you will receive an email alerting you of the invoice number and the various payment options available. A corresponding VAT invoice for the non-refundable application fee in the amount of €977.85 (inclusive of VAT at 23%) will issue within 10 business days.


Please refer here how to pay the invoice. Please notify once payment has been made. If payment is not received within the 30 days payment terms, your application will be deemed withdrawn and you will need to reapply. Please note that applications will be processed on a first come, first served basis.

Step 4 - Technical study of application

On receipt of the application fee, the application is issued for technical review. A connection offer will issue in respect of the Mini-generation installation using the details provided in the NC7 application form. 



For Mini-generation connections, the Maximum Export Capacity (MEC) is not permitted to be greater than the Maximum Import Capacity (MIC).


The Maximum Export Capacity (MEC) is defined as the maximum power, expressed in kVA, that is permitted by ESB Networks to transfer from the customer’s point of connection to the Distribution System Operator (DSO) network.

Step 5 - Connection offer acceptance

Should you wish to accept the connection offer in respect of mini-generation you will need to sign & return the connection agreement to the address below and where applicable, pay the associated capital contribution.


ESB Networks DAC,

NC7 Mini-Generation, 

New Connections, 

Sarsfield Road, 


Co. Cork, 

T12 E367


Do not install mini-generation unless you have signed and returned the associated connection agreement. No works shall progress until the conditions in the connection agreement have been met and any ESB Networks construction work has been completed.

Step 6 - After installation of the Mini-generator

After installation of the Mini-generator the customer is required to provide a completed mini-generation installation confirmation certificate. This confirmation certificate shall be submitted as soon as the generator is connected and no longer than twelve months from the issue date on the connection offer documentation.


Furthermore, if an Export Limitation Scheme (ELS) is being installed, the customer is required to provide a completed test form for ELS.


Please note that the corresponding MEC will only be updated and advised to your electricity supplier after ESB Networks is in receipt of the completed Mini-generation installation confirmation certificate(s).

Letter of authority - sample wording

Customer’s Letterhead or Logo

Customer’s Name
Customer’s Company Name (if applicable)
Correspondence Address Line 1
Address Line 2

To: ESB Networks
Date: XX/XX/2022

Re: Authorisation for Consultant Name of Consultant/Installer Company Name to act on my behalf




I, as the electricity account holder for MPRN XXX XXX XXX XX, hereby grant authority to Consultant Name of Consultant/Installer Company Name to act on my behalf in all matters relating to the application for connection of Mini-Generation at Site Address Line 1, Address Line 2, County, Eircode.

This includes authority to complete, sign and submit the NC7 application form, remit payment of all/any associated invoices and act as the point of contact for any queries in relation to the application.

Name: Customer Name
Email: Customer email address

Connect a generator with an output greater or less than that for mini-generation

Useful publications

Frequently asked questions

Can I use my Micro-generator, Mini-generator or Small scale generator during an electricity network power outage?

In general these generators are designed to switch off when the electricity network supply is disconnected.

This is a safety feature of the protection systems installed within these devices. This feature protects the generator itself and also ensures the generator does not create a potential hazard by making the external electricity network live in a fault situation.

It is however possible for certain generators to be installed in such a way that they can be operated when the electricity supply is disconnected. In order to do this the premises must be physically isolated from any connection to the external electricity network. This is a safety requirement under the NSAI Wiring Regulations and requires a changeover switch and other alterations to internal wiring within the premises in order to permit safe operation of such generation. More information on these generators, including what would be required to enable this in your own premises, can be obtained by contacting a registered Safe Electric electrician, a suitable generator installation company or by contacting a generator equipment manufacturer directly.

Will my electricity bill change after the generator is installed?

The cost of your bill may fall because you may not be drawing as much power from the electricity network as previously. However, there is no change to your standing charge which remains the same.

Can I connect my Mini-Generator to ESB Networks’ Low Voltage (LV) system?

Yes. You can connect a Mini-Generator in parallel with ESB Networks provided the requirements in the document  "Conditions Governing the Connection and Operation of Mini-Generation" are met.

To familiarise yourself with the process, please read the document Conditions Governing the Connection and Operation of Mini-Generation, (Download PDF | 503 KB).

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