Micro-generator is a source of electrical energy which operates in parallel with ESB Networks LV System and rated up to and including:
The following are examples of different types of micro-generators:
To connect a Micro-generator to the electricity network, you must follow the steps outlined in the document Conditions governing the connection and operation of Micro-generation. It's useful to read this before you start..
Conditions governing the connection & operation of micro generation policy | View PDF | 518 KB
Apply offline
Please note as and of the 3rd March 2025 we will no longer process Microgen applications emailed to ESB Networks. Postal Microgen applications will remain unaffected.
Download the NC6 Notification Form PDF | 135 KB or call 1800 372 757 to request a copy.
Post it to:
ESB Networks DAC
NC6 Microgen Notifications
New Connections
Sarsfield Road
T12E 367
Do not proceed if you have been notified by ESB Networks (within the specified time-frame) that you cannot proceed with the installation of the micro-generator.
It is your responsibility to ensure that the Micro-Generator is installed by a registered electrical contractor to Safe Electric standards.
The generator (inverter) must comply with IS EN50549-1 with current Irish settings. A type test certificate for the Micro-generator stating it is compliant with IS EN50549-1 must accompany your application form.
Installation can start when all of the above conditions have been met.
Where customers are eligible to have a smart meter installed during this phase of the rollout, ESB Networks endeavours to install a smart meter within four months of a valid NC6 form being processed by ESB Networks. ESB Networks will be in contact with you in advance of your smart meter exchange.
For more information on the smart meter rollout please see Smart meter upgrade
ESB Networks DAC are not responsible for the purchase or sale of any electricity. This is a matter for a customer and their electricity supplier.
The Commission for Regulation of Utilities (CRU) determines eligibility criteria for payment for electricity exported to the grid.
For more information on how and when customers can expect to get paid for export, please see CRU's website at this link Remuneration of renewables self-consumers for exported electricity
If you installed micro-generation previously but did not submit the NC6 micro-generation notification form at the time, please visit Retrospective micro-generation registration process.
Standby generators cannot be used to sell electricity to the electricity grid. If you wish to connect a generator with an output greater than that for micro-generation, go to Mini-generation.
It has recently come to our attention that some micro-generation units are being installed which have output currents in excess of the Rated Current (as per Type Test) 25A limit allowable as per the ESB Networks document Conditions-Governing-the-Connection-and-Operation-of-Micro-generation-policy.
We acknowledge that units may have been inadvertently purchased and installed based on manufacturers model references as opposed to specific data sheet information. In order to address the issue in a reasonable manner and ensure there is absolute clarity, we are now highlighting that we will continue to accept applications for units referenced as 6kW, but with a Rated Current (as per Type Test) of up to a maximum of 28A single phase, until 31st May 2023, however from that date on any units with a Rated Current (as per Type Test) over 25A will not be eligible for connection under the NC6 Microgeneration connection application route.
ESB Networks have no function in qualifying equipment or installers. However, to facilitate provision of information on qualifying equipment and installers to electricity customers who wish to avail of the tariff, Sustainable Energy Authority Ireland (SEAI) will maintain lists of registered products and installers that meet the relevant standards and accreditation requirements.
These lists are currently being compiled and will be available shortly on SEAI's website at:
Suppliers and Installers who wish to register should contact SEAI directly:#
Or email:
The cost of your bill may fall because you may not be drawing as much power from the electricity network as previously.
However, there is no change to your standing charge which remains the same.
There is no charge to connect a Micro-generator to the ESB network provided it is Micro-generation which can be connected under the 'inform and fit' process i.e. up to 6kVA single phase or 11kVA three phase.