Unmetered public lighting connections are provided by ESB Networks where loads are less than 2kVA and energy usage is predictable. The following are the steps for Local Authorities or for Builders/Developers wishing to connect public lighting and unmetered loads of less than 2 kVA (Kilovolt-Amperes) to the electricity network.
Get an ordnance survey map (scale 1:2500-1:10560) that shows the location of the new unmetered load. Mark the exact location with a red pen.
You will also need to get a detailed site plan (scale 1:100-1:500) showing the location of the new unmetered load.
You can apply for an unmetered connection online via our New Connections Customer Portal.
Apply online
Note: GMPRN or Group Meter Point Reference Number represents a group of unmetered connections that are on a single account.
GMPRN agreement
If you did not submit an existing GMPRN in Step 2 above, a GMPRN connection agreement will be sent to you upon receipt of your application. This must be signed and returned before your application can be processed any further.
The GMPRN connection agreement outlines specific responsibilities in relation to unmetered connections, as per the rules of the unmetered electricity supply market. It also provides details of the GMPRN that has been created for all the public lighting connections within the relevant development.
Applications in the name of a local authority
Applications in the name of local authorities must reference the existing Group Meter Point Reference Number (GMPRN) under which the new connections are to be grouped.
Applications in the name of a builder/developer
If a builder/developer applies for an unmetered public lighting connection in his/her own name they will be given a new GMPRN. He/she will also be required to complete and return a GMPRN connection agreement before a quotation can be issued.
If a local authority subsequently wishes to take on responsibility for this public lighting, they must first contact their electricity supplier and advise them of the GMPRN number. The local authority must then complete a GMPRN connection agreement in order to complete the transfer.
Your local ESB Networks design office will issue you with a quote for the cost of the connection. You will also receive the Terms for Connection and a Supplementary Agreement.
The Supplementary Agreement is additional to the GMPRN Connection Agreement already completed by you. It provides details of the MPRN for each new connection point. The connection point address and details of the loads to be connected are also outlined in the Supplementary Agreement for each MPRN.
Once you have your quote, you can make a payment by whichever method suits you best.
Pay online
Post a cheque, bank draft, or postal order to:
ESB Networks
Accounts Receivable
Sarsfield Road
License No. FCK 724
This payment must be accompanied by a signed supplementary agreement.
When all of the above requirements have been fulfilled the job will then be released for authorisation and construction.
ESB Networks is also required to publish details of the new connections (except for existing GMPRN) on a website to which all electricity suppliers have access.
These details include:
Note: After a quotation has been accepted, any subsequent changes made to address or load details a requote will be required. This can result in delays to provision of connection. All changes to addresses and load details have to be published by ESB Networks on the designated website.
All customers who want an unmetered connection must have a contract with an electricity supplier. The new GMPRN must then be registered by the supplier with ESB Networks before ESB Networks is permitted to make a connection.
Existing GMPRN
Where the new connection is associated with a customer's existing GMPRN, this will already have been registered by a supplier and therefore the customer does not need to register this GMPRN again.
The certificate should be returned by the electrical contractor to their regulating body who will then notify ESB Networks when the certificate has been validated.
More information
Note: Notification to ESB Networks of the validated wiring completion certificate from the regulatory body is taken as confirmation that customer interface requirements as outlined in the National Code of Practice (PDF | 3 MB) have been completed.
View PDFIn order for the construction programme to proceed, you must confirm that the service duct, meter cabinet and earth trench (where required) have been installed in accordance with ESB specification and are now ready. You can text the word DUCT and your MPRN to 087 7526666 to confirm compliance with the specifications.
The electricity connection will then be completed and made live.
Under current electricity supply market rules, the following loads are excluded: