Energy Events and Rewards

Discover how you can earn rewards for taking control of your electricity usage. ESB Networks' 'Is This a Good Time?' programme is offering participants the opportunity to get rewarded for taking part in 'Energy Events' when prompted to do so. By taking part in these events, you will not only be contributing to a more sustainable future but also earning rewards for taking action. Find out more about Energy Events, and see how you can earn rewards below. 

What are Energy Events? 

Energy Events are times when we have adequate available renewable energy you can take advantage of, or at times when we have less renewable energy available.

There are two different types of Energy Events:

  • Peak Events
  • Flexibility Events


Peak Events 

  • "Peak Event" is when there are a lot of people using electricity at the same time and there is not enough renewable energy generation to supply electricity demand.
  • This means that during Peak Events electricity may be more expensive, more carbon intensive, and it may be less secure.

Flexibility Events 

‘Flexibility Event’ occurs in two scenarios in which we may ask you to be flexible with how and when you use your electricity:

  1. When there is surplus renewable electricity generation, we may encourage you to take advantage of the available renewable energy as it is less carbon intensive at this time.
  2. When there is less renewable energy generation available, this is a good time to take control of your electricity usage by avoiding electricity-heavy appliances such as your tumble dryer, dishwasher and iron.  

How to Earn Rewards 


  • Once you are signed up, we will occasionally contact you by email or SMS to see if you can take action during Energy Events.
  • These events occur at times when we have adequate available renewable energy you can take advantage of, or at times when we have less renewable energy available. 
  • If you can take the suggested action when asked, if your MPRN is linked to your ESB Networks Online Account and you complete a short survey after the event, you will be eligible for a reward in the form of a voucher.