Be Prepared
Be Prepared for a Power Cut or Power Outage
Our electricity network is among the best in Europe. However, given its size and occasionally extreme weather conditions, faults can and will occur.
Below, we have outlined useful information that we advise all our customers to be aware of in order to be prepared for any power outages.
Also, see some helpful information on how you can prepare and stay safe during the winter months.
Be Winter ReadyWhat you can do
Losing Power in a Major Storm
During a major storm electricity networks can suffer severe damage. We welcome your call to inform us that you have no power and appreciate you contacting us with emergency information
This video shows you what to do if you experience a power outage during a major storm.
What to do if you have a Power Cut
Our electricity network is among the best in Europe. However, given its size and occasionally extreme weather conditions, faults can and will occur.
This video outlines useful information that we advise all our customers to be aware of in advance of any power outages