Outages safety

Be prepared for a power cut or power outage
Our electricity network is among the best in Europe. However, given its size and occasionally extreme weather conditions, faults can and will occur.
Below, we have outlined useful information that we advise all our customers to be aware of in order to be prepared for any power outages.
Also, see some helpful information on how you can prepare and stay safe during extreme weather conditions.
What you can do
Get ready
- Please register on the ESB Networks Online Account so that you will receive digital notifications for future outages. You can register here using your email address. It is important that you use the same name and mobile number that you registered with your current electricity supplier.
- Have a torch accessible with an extra supply of batteries.
- Keep your MPRN and our emergency contact number in a safe place. Our number is 1800 372 999 or +353 21 2382410. Your MPRN can be found on your electricity bill - for more details click here.
- Know where your household fuses and trip switches are so that you can check if there are any problems with your own electrics.
- For major outages, information and updates are usually broadcasted on radio stations. You can tune in on your portable radio or mobile device. Alternatively, a car radio may be a good option.
- You may also be able to charge your mobile device in the car.
Stay alert
- If you have electronic gates on your property, please ensure you know where the manual override is and that you are able to use it.
- If you are dependent on electricity for medical reasons, contact your supplier who will register you as a customer with medical needs and notify us.
- Check on family members, friends and neighbours who have special medical needs or who are elderly, to ensure they have the necessary emergency supplies.
- Determine now what action they, and you, would take in the event of an extended power cut.
Keep informed
- ESB PowerCheck provides Real Time information on all major faults.
- Our Twitter account @ESBNetworks will also provide updates on storm response by our crews and when you can expect to have your power back.
Helpful videos

What to do if you have a power cut
Occasionally during extreme weather conditions, faults can and will occur. This video outlines useful information that we advise all our customers to be aware of in advance of any power outages.

Losing power in a major storm
During a major storm electricity networks can suffer severe damage. This video shows you what to do if you experience a power outage during a major storm.

Using a generator for your home safely
If you've purchased a generator for your home we've created a short video to ensure your using it safely. Always remember Stay Safe, Stay Clear of Electricity Wires.