
Micro-generation is the term which applies when a private individual (e.g. a householder) installs a small generator on his/her property for the purpose of producing electricity for his/her own use.
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Mini-Generation is the term which applies when an electricity customer installs inverter connected generation up to a maximum of 50kVA, at a premises for the purpose of producing electricity. These generators are generally installed to locally produce clean electricity  primarily for self-consumption, thus reducing the need and cost of purchasing electricity. Mini-Generation allows customers to take action to address the issues of climate change, rising electricity prices and reliance on fossil fuels on our journey to a clean electric future together. The Irish Government has introduced a scheme to enable excess electricity produced by this type of generator to be sold back to electricity suppliers.      
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Small Scale Generation

Small Scale Generation is the term which applies when an electricity customer installs generation, within the range covered in the definition below, at a demand premises for the purpose of producing electricity. Unlike Mini-Generation, Small Scale Generation includes Synchronous generation such as CHP, as well as Inverter-Connected generation, such as PV. These generators are generally installed to locally produce clean electricity primarily for self-consumption, thus reducing the need and cost of purchasing electricity. Small Scale Generation allows customers to take action to address the issues of climate change, rising electricity prices and reliance on fossil fuels on our journey to a clean electric future together.  

Small Scale Generation is designed to operate in parallel with the electricity network and is defined as a source of connected electrical energy, and all associated electrical equipment where the Installed Generator Capacity is less than or equal to the MIC, in the range as follows: 

  • Inverter-connected Installed Capacity greater than Mini-Generation (17kVA Single Phase/50kVA Three Phase) and up to 200kVA, or, 
  • Synchronous Installed Capacity greater than micro-generation thresholds and up to 200kVA 

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Parallel (Non-Exporting) Generators

Non-Exporting Generators, operate in parallel with the electricity distribution system. These generators are relevant to businesses that want to reduce their electricity import by having their own source of power, or for peak-lopping or peak-shaving schemes. Such generators cannot be used to supply or sell electricity via the national grid.

Interface Protection Guidelines
These slides (PDF | 171 KB) outlining guidelines for costs and applicability of Embedded Generation Interface Protection (EGIP) were presented at the CRU Gate 3 Liaison Group meeting as a clarification and update of the Conditions Governing document in June 2013.

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Standby Generators

Standby generators are used by businesses that require emergency generation. They cannot be used to export or sell electricity onto the electricity network. In addition, they cannot operate in parallel with the electricity network.
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Enduring Connection Policy (ECP)

The ECP process for grid connection applications is the current pathway for generators, storage, and other system services technology projects to connect to the electricity system. On 25th September 2024, the Commission of Regulation for Utilities (CRU) published its decision on Electricity Connection Policy – Generation and System Services (ECP-GSS) which sets policy for onshore renewable and conventional generators, storage, and other system services technology projects connecting to the electricity system. The System Operators (SOs) are working with CRU on the actions outlined in this decision paper. For further information, please refer to the Electricity Connection Policy – Generation and System Services Decision Paper (CRU/2024101).

The ECP-2.5 application window for all Category A (batch) applicants closed on 30th November 2024. Successful applicants are prioritised by largest renewable energy generation (first 25), then by planning permission grant date, with no more than 10 primarily storage and other system service technology projects. Please see the ECP-2.5 Category A initial Batch Results here, and the initial ECP-2.5 Category B and C Batches hereFor further detail please refer to the ECP-2 Decision Paper (CRU/20/060), ECP-2 Ruleset and ECP-2.4 decision (CRU202326).

ECP-2 Categories:

  • Category A (Batch): Generation, storage and other system services technology projects (MEC >0.5MW)
  • Category B (Non-Batch): Small projects (MEC>0.2MW and ≤0.5MW), DS3 system services trial projects (MEC≤0.5MW) and Autoproducers

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  • Category C (Community-led): Community-led renewable energy projects (MEC  ≥ 0.5MW and  ≤5MW). Please note, a subsequent Clarification Note (CRU/21/069) to the ECP-2 Decision (CRU/20/060) was published by the CRU on 1st July 2021, to change the definition of Community-Led Renewable Energy Projects. In order to be processed under Category C in ECP-2.5 and subsequent ECP batches, Community-Led Projects must be 100% community-owned.

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Generator Availability Capacity Map

  • ESB Networks have developed an interactive Available Capacity Heatmap which contains capacity information on all our 3-phase LV, MV and HV DSO substations.

  • This Heatmap provides an interface that enables the easy identification of potential transformer capacity in the vicinity of your site.

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Generator Statistics

  • Connections Made
    Statistical information on all Generators currently connected or contracted for connection to the Distribution System may be found in our Connected and Contracted Generators Section.

  • Performance Monitoring
    A document, called Windfarm Performance Monitoring Process outlines the process that is adopted by EirGrid and ESB in monitoring the performance of Wind Farm Power Stations (WFPS) in terms of the categorisation of controllability assigned following regulatory decision SEM-062-11 for priority Dispatch. This document is available for download here (PDF | 547 KB).

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It is your responsibility

To ensure that a generator is installed by a registered electrical contractor to Safe Electric standards, and that it complies with all governing regulations.

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