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What is Beat The Peak Business?

  • ESB Networks’ Beat the Peak Business is a Demand Response Scheme (DRS) where eligible commercial electricity users can get paid to reduce their electricity demand between 4:30pm – 7pm, during the service window, on business days (Monday to Friday, excluding public holidays).
  • Peak electricity demand typically occurs between 5pm – 7pm, Monday to Friday. During this time, because there’s greater need for energy, Ireland is likely to be more dependent on imported fossil fuel to meet electricity demand, making the peak period particularly expensive and carbon intensive.
  • Eligible commercial electricity users will be asked to reduce their electricity demand on a daily basis or as often as they can, during the service window while the scheme is running.

What is Demand Side Response (DSR)?

  • DSR is where electricity users alter their usage to help balance Ireland’s electricity systems. This can be by increasing, decreasing or shifting their electricity demand during certain periods of the day.
  • By reducing electricity usage when prices are highest and most carbon intensive (usually during peak times of 5pm – 7pm), electricity users help lower carbon emission and reduce their electricity bills. Through schemes like Beat the Peak Business, users can receive financial rewards for doing so.
  • The aim of Beat the Peak Business is to reward electricity users for taking control of their electricity usage by DSR.
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Beat the Peak Business is now live

  • ESB Networks ran Beat the Peak Business initiatives (Beat the Peak Commercial Active and Beat the Peak Commercial Daily) in winter 2022 and summer 2023. We are re-launching a new version of this scheme for commercial electricity customers and specialised energy management companies to provide flexible capacity to the Irish electricity network.
  • Eligible commercial electricity customers can play their part in reducing their demand when the line between electricity supply and generation is low and can get paid for doing so.
  • The scheme is running from November 2023 until September 2025.
  • To apply for Beat the Peak Business please log in to eTenders here and search for CfT Resource ID: 3471707, where you will find instructions on how to apply, and all the contract terms and tariffs.
Visit eTenders now

Frequently asked questions

How does Beat the Peak Business work?

How do the payments work?
  • After each Daily Event or Peak Event, each Flexible Service Provider’s Flexible Service Assets’ electricity demand during that period will be compared against their baseline, and will be issued a payment for demand reduction achieved relative to their baseline. Please note that no remuneration is provided for demand reduction above contracted flexible capacity.
  • For Daily Events: Flexible Service Assets will receive a minimum payment of €340 per MWh reduced, up to a maximum of €680 per MWh 
  • For Peak Events, Flexible Service Assets will receive a payment of  €820 per MWh reduced.
  • Payment rates have been structured to promote Flexible Service Assets to deliver their agreed flexible capacity during an event and to prioritise Peak Events. ESB Networks may from time to time issue an instruction to a Flexible Service Provider, requesting their Flexible Service Asset to stop the flexible service being provided, where it may cause a negative impact on the network.  
  • Where Flexible Service Providers have 2 or more Flexible Service Assets signed up to the scheme, it will receive a once off payment for each Flexible Service Asset recruited dependent on the Flexible Service Asset’s contracted flexible capacity, and regular payments calculated as 50% of the total sum of their Flexible Service Assets’ payments for its demand reduction.  
  • Payment to Flexible Service Assets and Flexible Service Providers will be processed to the contracted Flexible Service Provider.  
What will commercial electricity users be asked to do?
  • During the scheme commercial electricity users will be asked to reduce demand to support the distribution network as Ireland transforms how we generate electricity from carbon intensive fossil fuels to clean renewable sources like wind – these events are called Daily Events and occur each and every business day (Monday – Friday, excluding public holidays) from 4:30 pm – 7 pm for the duration of the scheme.
How does the scheme work?
  • The scheme is designed so that commercial electricity users can get paid to adopt energy efficiency measures and reduce electricity demand between 4:30 pm – 7 pm, business days (Monday to Friday, excluding public holidays) and in particular where a Peak Event has been called, for the duration of the scheme.  
  • Whilst ideally, eligible commercial electricity users would introduce operational changes that allow them to reduce demand during the service window regularly, for as many daily events and peak events as possible, ESB Networks recognise that there are operational constraints and challenges to achieving permanent and regular reduction of daily energy usage.  Therefore, reducing demand is voluntary, with the amount you can get paid reflective of how often and how much you can reduce demand. Furthermore, there will be no penalties enforced for low or no performance. 
How do businesses participate?
  • Commercial electricity users wishing to participate and who meet the eligibility criteria can apply as part of a specialised energy management company’s application (e.g. an aggregator) to become a Flexible Service Asset, or can apply directly to ESB Networks, to become a Flexible Service Provider if they operate their own metered site with a Meter Point Reference Number (MPRN). 
  • Energy management companies can recruit Flexible Service Assets and participate as a Flexible Service Provider.  
  • Flexible Service Providers have responsibilities around managing and communicating with Flexible Service Assets. 
  • For those applicants whose application is successful and are subsequently contracted to Beat the Peak Business, a baseline will be set for the Winter Period, and where applicable, the Summer Period for each Flexible Service Asset (i.e. MPRN). This will be based on historical demand data from the most recent reflective period and will provide a basis to compare electricity reduction against during the operation of the scheme.  
  • As part of its application, Flexible Service Providers must set out a Flexible Capacity (in MW) for each Flexible Service Asset it recruits, which will be delivered during Daily and Peak Events. Flexible Service Assets must pass a Proving Test at the outset of the scheme to demonstrate their ability to deliver the contracted Flexible Capacity. 
What is a Peak Event?
  • From time to time there may be instances when it is challenging to meet electricity demand. When this happens, a Peak Event may be called. A Peak Event occurs in the same window as Daily Events, however participants will receive a notification to inform them that reducing demand on a particular day is of extra importance to the operation of the electricity network and will be provided a higher payment rate. 

How to get involved in Beat the Peak Business?

Who can participate?
  • Any commercial electricity user who applies and meets the eligibility criteria for Beat the Peak Business can participate. Please note the eligibility criteria is based on a per site/ MPRN basis, meaning that if you have multiple sites that meet the criteria you will have to include each of the sites within your application. 



To be eligible for BTP Business, Flexible Service Assets must: 



  • have appropriate quarter hourly (QH) Interval Metering since 1 October 2022. 
  • be able to provide import demand reduction by altering their consumption pattern 
  • be connected to the electricity system at the distribution level operated by ESB Networks as DSO or to the electricity system at the transmission level operated by EirGrid as TSO.  
  • not be in breach of their Connection Agreement and or the Distribution Code where they provide a flexible service which is supplemented by behind the meter generation. 
  • Pass Parallel Generation Checks, where applicable  
  • Pass annual Generation Interaction Checks in order to participate in the scheme for the Summer Period (i.e. April 1 – September 30)


  • Flexible Service Assets participating in other markets (such as DS3 or Capacity Market, or other NNLC Pilots) may also sign up for Beat the Peak Commercial. 
What are the key benefits of taking part in Beat the Peak Business?
  • Additional revenue stream - For any reduction you achieve from your baseline during a particular Beat the Peak Business event you will receive a payment, up to the contracted Flexible Capacity. Please note there are no penalties. 
    • For example, during a Daily Event, if your baseline is defined as 0.6MW and your agreed Flexible Capacity is 0.2MW, where you reduce your electricity demand during the service window, 4:30 pm – 7 pm, to 0.4MW you will be paid. (0.6MW-0.4MW) x €680/MWh x 2.5 hours = €340 for that event.
    • With over 300 Daily Events being available to participate in up until the end of March 2025, what you can receive in payment is reflective of both your reduction per event and the number of events you participate in.


  • Reduction in the cost of your electricity bills as a result of a reduction in your usage.
  • Potential Reduction in your carbon emissions. The time of day electricity is consumed can play a big part on CO2 emissions. Using electricity during hours when carbon footprint of generation is lowest (i.e., outside of peak times) may decrease carbon emissions.
  • Step towards meeting any internal sustainability and carbon abatement targets. 
What does the typical application process involve and how long does it take?
  • Whether applying directly to ESB Networks, to become a Flexible Service Provider or applying as part of a specialised energy management company’s application, the application process is facilitated through the eTenders portal here.
How do I apply for Beat the Peak Business?
  • Please note that the application period for Beat the Peak Business is now open and facilitated here. The application period will remain open until 11 April 2025. 
  • ESB Networks is contracting with eligible commercial energy users and specialised energy management companies (such as Aggregators). Where you are a commercial energy user with experience in managing demand side response you may wish to apply directly to ESB Networks (via the eTenders portal). Other commercial energy users may find the use of a specialised energy management company advantageous. 
  • ESB Networks intends to host a series of webinars to highlight the specifics of Beat the Peak Business to all interested parties. 
  • To be notified of details for attending upcoming webinars please email referencing Beat the Peak Business and the National Network, Local Connections team will be in contact. 
  • Due to competition rules ESB Networks does not operate an approved list of specialised energy management companies. 

For more information

  • If you would like more general information about Beat the Peak Business, please email us at
  • Please note as the application process for Beat the Peak Business is through a formal public procurement process, any specific queries in relation to the Tender should be submitted through the messaging function on the eTenders portal. If you are having difficulties with the eTenders portal, please click here.
  • Whether you are a commercial energy user or a specialist energy management company to apply for Beat the Peak Business please log in to eTenders here and search for CfT Resource ID: 3471707, where you will find instructions on how to apply, and all the contract terms and tariffs.

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