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What is Flexibility?

  • Flexibility or Flexible demand refers to the ability to adjust or shift electricity usage in response to changes in supply or demand. It enables customers to take more control of when they use or store electricity, depending on local renewable generation and the electrical network conditions.
  • By shifting energy demand to times when lots of renewable energy is being generated locally, we can reduce our national energy costs and carbon footprint.
  • Flexible demand products allow businesses and domestic customers to take control of their electricity usage and benefit from reduced costs and reduced carbon footprint.
  • Our flexibility products and services give customers the incentives and information they need to do this effectively.

Examples of flexible demand in action

  • For domestic customers – they can shift their energy consumption to times when there’s surplus renewable energy on the network.
  • Flexible demand is central to reducing our carbon footprint. It also helps with the rapid increases in demand for electricity as we move towards the electrification of heat and transport. It allows everyone to get the most value out of renewable generation across the Irish electricity system, quickly, efficiently, and securely.
  • At ESB Networks, we have a responsibility to create the conditions in which flexibility can grow and thrive.

Flexible demand - Products and services

  • Flexible demand relies on the choices that we all make in our homes, farms, and businesses, about how, when and how much electricity we use. ESB Networks is developing flexible demand products and services to provide customers and communities with the incentives and information they need to help deliver on Ireland's Climate Action Plan.
  • Customers and stakeholders across the energy industry and beyond will continue to help us to shape how Ireland can achieve 15-20% flexible electricity demand by 2025 and 20-30% by 2030.
  • Flexible demand products will continue to provide new opportunities for all electricity customers to benefit from taking an active role in climate action.
A couple looking at a phone screen in their kitchen.
Happy business team in a meeting
Image of video campaign of the connectors
Woman climbing hill with wind turbine and island in the background
A map of Ireland with some areas enlightened
Woman on the phone looking at her laptop screen

National flexibility demand targets

  • Following publication of the Climate Action Plan 2023 in December 2022, ESB Networks published its Networks for Net Zero Strategy in January 2023 (click here to read), with a clear commitment to Ireland’s climate action policies and ambitions. With increasing urgency, we are working towards the Climate Action Plan target of 15-20% flexible demand by 2025, building on the pre-existing target of 20-30% by 2030.
  • ESB Networks believes that Flexible demand will be central to Ireland’s ability to reduce carbon emissions, by enabling low carbon demand growth by matching new or changing energy demand with renewable energy generation.

Frequently asked questions

What is ESB Networks’ National Network, Local Connections Programme about?
  • In 2020, ESB Networks established the National Network, Local Connection Programme to put in place the systems, processes, and capabilities needed to allow industry, customers, and communities across Ireland to participate in our move towards a carbon-free future. The goal is to maximise the use of renewable energy up to 80% of overall usage and beyond. The programme also aims to reduce peak electricity demand and improve electricity demand management in line with Ireland's Climate Action Plan.
  • The programme is essential in reaching Ireland’s climate targets through increased use of renewables. It will also meet the rapidly rising demand driven by the electrification of heat and transport, while continuing to deliver a safe, secure electricity supply.
  • ESB Networks’ National Network, Local Connections (NN,LC) Programme is a multi-year project that will transform how Ireland’s electricity is managed. In the decade ahead, all customers, from renewable generators to large energy users, to homes, farms and business customers will adopt new technologies, products, and services, changing how they generate, store, or consume electricity. With a growing focus on the use and storage of locally generated renewable electricity, the National Network, Local Connections Programme will ensure power can be forecast, monitored and managed at a local level. 
  • Customers and communities across the country are becoming increasingly active in managing and controlling their own electricity usage. To that end, we are developing a distribution system that is safe and secure, taking into account new local and regional needs, and making a positive impact in the fight against climate change.
How does this Programme support Ireland's 2030 Climate Action Targets?

The most recent Climate Action Plan moves the focus to how individuals and communities use energy – especially renewable energy, rather than just large-scale generation. In support of Ireland’s Climate Action Targets, we have taken specific actions across sections of society which include:


Promoting the use of heat pumps and other renewable heating. 

Phasing out of fossil-fuel heating systems such as oil and gas.


Initiatives to support switching to electric vehicles.

Investment in electrifying rail lines.

Power Generation: 

Supporting microgeneration in Ireland. Increasing our reliance on renewable energy sources to 80%, and facilitating and supporting new renewable energy technologies on and offshore.

Phasing out of coal and peat electricity generation. 

Empowering Customers: 

Encouraging communities to use renewable energy locally, from homes and sports clubs to community centres and churches.

Empowering customers with the introduction of new services to support the activities of renewable energy communities and citizen energy communities. We are providing customers “visibility” of their local renewable energy sources, carbon intensity, and the impact of how they manage their demand for electricity. 

These changes will support increased electrification of products and services for homes, farms and businesses across Ireland.

How is the National Network, Local Connections Programme managing the security of supply?

We have introduced flexible demand initiatives to increase renewable generation and reduce our dependence on fossil fuels. ESB Networks is working to deliver a smart and sustainable distribution system, enabling smarter planning, operations and flexibility as well as providing network capacity to ensure a secure, reliable and resilient network is in place.

Does the National Network, Local Connections Programme support flexibility?

Yes, the National Network, Local Connections Programme is developing smarter, more flexible network solutions. ESB Networks is continuing to explore flexibility markets for our customers who are able and willing to take control of how much electricity they generate or consume. For more information on flexibility and how ESB Networks is supporting.

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