FOI Disclosure Logs
Details of request
- Access under 2014 Act to details of suppliers of area maps for Sligo town used on ESB Networks website. The query also seeks date of Sligo map currently used on website and seeks date of its most recent revision.
- Access under 2014 Act to any corporate description, internal or external, as how/why Martin Savage Terrace is excluded from such maps. When did this exclusion commence?
Details of request
Records that show the number of electricity disconnections undertaken by ESB Networks under direction of suppliers for a non-payment of debt, from 1 January 2019 to date, and broken down by:
i. month if possible -- so for Jan 2019, Feb 2019, March 2019 -- and if not by quarter and also by residential and non-residential connections each month
iii. and I would like the figures broken down for Co. Dublin, and outside of Co Dublin
Details of request
Details of request
All records and correspondence in relation to flooding, flood defence, sewage discharges onto sandmount strand with OPW, Irish Water and DCC.
All records and correspondence with the above parties in relation to proposed cycle path on Beach Road and Strand Road, Sandymount.
Details of request
Details of request
Details of request
Request access to the following documentation between the years of 1996 and 2000:
1. The full record of annual maximum peak follows recorded at the following gauging stations that were operated by ESB:
a. Lee at Leemount Upper;
b. Lee at Leemount Lower;
c. Shournagh at Healy's Bridge.
2. Regulations and Guidelines for the Control of the River Lee.
3. Tables showing the relationship between water level and stored volume for Inniscarra and Carrigadrohid ReservoirsFOI10376
Details of request
On the 8/10/2021 I received an email from you in response to an FOI request regarding outages in my area - FOI 10341. I now wish to request the same information up to and including the 8/7/2022. In virtually all outages in our area the same 106 customers are affected yet that figure appears nowhere on the list I received.
Details of request
Access to any external evaluations of the board of ESB since 2018.
Details of request
In relation to all CCTV cameras that you have procured from 2017 until the present, please provide:
the names of each company and the names of the products including the model numbers
the contracts with each company
the cost per unit and the total costs, and
the duration of contracts and/or licenses.
Please provide records that state the capability of the CCTV cameras (along with their storage and processing units whether locally, on a server or in the cloud), such as facial recognition, temperature/thermal scanning, behaviour analysis, object detection or demographic detection (i.e. age, gender, clothing etc).
Please also provide the documents and communication related to the tender process for all CCTV cameras, that has been procured between 2017 until the present.