What do I do if I am not going ahead with my Micro-gen installation?
Following submission of an NC6 Form, it is important to notify ESB Networks if your micro-generation technology is not connected for whatever reason so ESB Networks can remove your Maximum Export Capacity (MEC).
Further, in the event your micro-generation technology stops working on a permanent basis, it is important to notify ESB Networks of this so we can remove your Maximum Export Capacity (MEC).
Should you wish to request ESB Networks remove your Maximum Export Capacity (MEC), please contact NetworksServicesBureau@esb.ie.
What do I do if I am removing or installing more micro-generation?
If you are considering reducing or increasing current MEC, you will need to submit an updated NC6 Notification Form to ESB Networks accompanied by an updated Type Test Certification and other supporting materials. However, for the micro-generation 'inform and fit' process the upper limit on the installed inverter size is 25A (approx. 6kVA) for Single Phased and 16A/Phase (Approx. 11kVA) for Three Phase, and if going beyond these limits it is necessary to consider Mini-generation, where a technical assessment will need to be carried out so that ESB Networks can issue a quotation for Connection. See Mini-generation here.
Adding extra PV panels behind an inverter of less than 6kVA Single Phase or 11kVA Three Phase does not require ESB Networks permission. Before doing so, ESB Networks recommends that you familiarise yourself with our 'Step-by-Step Guide' which can be found at this link here.
What data will be collected from my Smart meter?
For more information on what types of data ESB Networks collects off your smart meter, please visit this link: Smart meters and data
Do you always need to install a smart meter which records my export?
Yes, if you are eligible to receive a smart meter during this phase of the rollout, then you will need a smart meter to be paid for export. Where customers are eligible to have a smart meter installed, ESB Networks endeavours to install a smart meter within four months of a valid NC6 form being processed by ESB Networks.
In line with direction from CRU, you will not be eligible for export during the wait period to have a smart meter installed. ESB Networks will be in contact in advance of your smart meter exchange. For more information on the smart meter rollout please see Smart meters.
If you are not eligible to receive a smart meter during this phase of the rollout, then you can be paid based on a deemed export calculation.
What is the process for installing Micro-generator in a new build?
Your microgeneration application must be approved and your new house connected to the grid before the microgenerator can be connected in parallel and energised.
Note that you can submit a Microgeneration application form when applying for the house connection. See response to Can I connect my microgenerator to the ESB Network's Low Voltage (LV) system? for details of the connection process and copies of any forms required.
A wiring certificate will be provided to the customer by the Safe Electric Member installing the microgenerator, which the customer should retain for their own use.
Can I connect my Micro-generator to ESB Networks' Low Voltage (LV) system?
Yes. You can connect and register a micro-generator in parallel with ESB Networks provided the requirements in the updated document "Conditions Governing the Connection & Operation of Micro Generation Policy" are met.
Please familiarise yourself with the process and read the updated document:
Conditions Governing the Connection & Operation of Micro Generation Policy | View PDF 518 KB
NC6 Notification Form PDF | 135 KB
Note this form should be used for all new and retrospective microgeneration applications.
Can I use my Micro-generator, Mini-generator or Small scale generator during an electricity network power outage?
In general these generators are designed to switch off when the electricity network supply is disconnected.
This is a safety feature of the protection systems installed within these devices. This feature protects the generator itself and ensures the generator does not create a potential hazard by making the external electricity network live in a fault situation.
It is however possible for certain generators to be installed in such a way that they can be operated when the electricity supply is disconnected. To do this the premises must be physically isolated from any connection to the external electricity network. This is a safety requirement under the National Standards Authority of Ireland (NSAI) Wiring Regulations and requires a changeover switch and other alterations to internal wiring within the premises to permit safe operation of such generation.
More information on these generators, including what would be required to enable this in your own premises, can be obtained by contacting a registered safe electric electrician, a suitable generator installation company or by contacting a generator equipment manufacturer directly.
What changes have been made to Micro-generation?
Microgenerators continue to be required to comply with IS EN 50549-1 but the internal protection settings have been revised to facilitate the connection of much greater volumes of microgeneration on the network.
Additionally, to provide clarity and simplicity, the export rating of 25A (approx. 6kVA) single phase or 16A/Phase (Approx. 11kVA) three phase, is now assessed based on the size of the Inverter through which the PV panels transport their generation. This is because the Inverter will limit any output to 6kVA/11kVA, even if there is an over-install of generation (above 6/11kVA) behind the inverter, for the purposes of increasing kWh production at times of lower light levels.
However, the peak export from the Inverter must not exceed 6kVA single phase or 11kVA three phase.
Note: Only registered microgenerators are eligible for any export payments.
What is the cost of connecting a Micro-Generator to the electricity network?
There is no charge to connect a Micro-generator to the ESB network provided it is Micro-Generation which can be connected under the 'inform and fit' process i.e. up to 6kVA single phase or 11kVA three phase.
My export quantities seem to differ from the ESB Networks HDF file and what my smart meter shows. Why is this?
Where ESB Networks cannot read your meter to record smart export quantities, over a period of 8 days, we will provide deemed export quantities to your supplier in their place. The design of the interim microgeneration scheme is such that deemed export quantities will not be replaced by actual values. This means that, in instances where deemed quantities have been sent to your supplier, there will be a discrepancy between the data used for remuneration and the data recorded on the smart meter, or on the ESB Networks HDF files.
I have a smart meter but some days I am provided with deemed export. Why is this?
Where ESB Networks cannot read your meter to record smart export quantities, over a period of 8 days, we will provide deemed export quantities to your supplier in their place. Your supplier is aware of instances where deemed export quantities are provided in respect of your MPRN (Meter Point Reference Number) and the scenarios in which deemed quantities are provided and can explain these to you.
What happens to the electricity I have exported to the grid prior to my Maximum Export Capacity being updated? Can I get paid for this?
No. The registration of your Maximum Export Capacity with ESB Networks is necessary for ESB Networks to seek to record your export quantities (Smart) or calculate your deemed quantities (Deemed) and provide those quantities to your supplier. If you have not registered your export capacity with ESB Networks, you will not be eligible for payment by your registered supplier.
How do I calculate my export values using the deemed export calculation?
CRU Decision Paper 21/131 Interim Clean Export Guarantee - Download decision paper PDF | 762KB - determined that the deemed export formula to be used for the duration of the Interim Microgeneration Scheme is as follows:
Maximum Export Capacity x Capacity Factor x Export Factor
This provides a figure for one 30-minute interval in kW, and can be multiplied by 48 to get a daily total. Since the Capacity and Export factors are subject to change, ESB Networks suggests that the customer refer to CRU guidance as to applicable figures. As at August 2023, Capacity Factor is 0.097, while Export Factor is 0.35.
How much electricity have I exported back to the grid since the microgeneration support scheme started?
If you have a smart meter, this can be checked via the Customer portal, which is available here. By logging in, the Customer portal becomes available.
I previously chose not to avail of a smart meter. How do I go about changing my mind?
If you previously chose not to avail of a smart meter at the time, you can contact ESB Networks directly to request a smart meter installation at 1800928123 or +353 (01) 6985005
Alternatively, you can contact your registered electricity supplier and request a smart meter.
Why should I notify ESB Networks that I am installing a Micro-Generator?
You are not allowed to connect a microgenerator unless ESB Networks have received an application and not reverted with an objection within 20 business days, as in some cases there may be a safety issue or work may be required by ESB Networks before connection.
Accordingly after you inform ESB Networks of proposed connection, ESB Networks will assess your application, and if ESB Networks do not then revert to you within 20 Business days with an issue, you can then proceed to connect your microgenerator.
For payment - only customers who submit a valid NC6 Notification form to ESB Networks are eligible for the interim Clean Export Guarantee.
For safety - microgenerators have the potential to give an electric shock or create a dangerous hazard for you or your neighbours. For your own safety, it is important that the unit fully complies with safety standards.
Note: If your generator causes damage to the electricity network or to the general public you may be liable.
Where can I find information on qualifying equipment and installers of Micro-generators?
ESB Networks have no function in qualifying equipment or installers. However, to facilitate provision of information on qualifying equipment and installers to electricity customers who wish to avail of the tariff Sustainable Energy Authority Ireland (SEAI) will maintain lists of registered products and installers that meet the relevant standards and accreditation requirements.
These lists are currently being compiled and will be available shortly on SEAI's website at: Register of installers
Suppliers and Installers who wish to register should contact SEAI directly:
Or email:
Can I install a larger Generator?
Yes. For Generators above 25-amp single phase (approx. 6kVa), and 16amp/phase three phase (approx. 11kVa).
Further information can be found at Generator connections
How do I know if I am eligible for a smart meter during this phase of the rollout?
Currently, single-phase MCC01 (24 hr) and MCC02 (Day/Night) meters are eligible for exchange to smart metering under ESB Networks’ rollout of smart meters.
In line with this rollout, Smart Meter exchanges for customers with 3-phase metering will commence in 2025.
If you are not currently eligible for a smart meter, you may be eligible for remuneration based on deemed export quantities, until such time as a smart meter is installed at your premises.
I am eligible to have a smart meter, but I do not want a smart meter. Can I still get paid for my export?
No. According to the eligibility criteria introduced by the Commission for Regulation of utilities (CRU), if you are eligible for a smart meter, you need a smart meter to be paid for what you export back to the network. You will not be eligible for deemed export payments.