Reading Electronic Business Meters
Reading an ABB Vision/Elster A1700 Meter
ABB Vision/Elster A1700
This meter has an electronic display which changes every 9 seconds. If your RM number is 548, 549, 645 or 647 you may have this meter. The RM number is at the bottom left hand side of the meter.
How to take a reading- Flat Rate & Time of Day Customers use screens 9, 10 & 11
- Maximum Demand Customers use screens 14, 16, 18, 19 & 20 If date of last reset in screen 12 is not the current month, readings cannot be taken as the meter has not been reset.
- Record numbers left to right ignoring figures right of decimal.
Reading an ABB/GEC PPM Meter
If your RM number is 545 or 667 you may have this meter type. The RM number is at the bottom left hand side of the meter. The meter has an automatic scrolling electronic display. The display changes every 6 secs illustrating 13 different information panels. Flat Rate & Time of Day - use Screens 11, 12 & 13.
How to take a reading:
- Record numbers left to right. Ignore figures right of decimal.
- Maximum Demand - do not submit meter readings as the information required for billing is inaccessible from this meter. If you have any queries contact your Electricity Supplier.
Reading an Elster A1140/A1120 Meter
Elster A1140/A1120
If your RM number is 648, 651, 627, 553 or 551 this is the meter type you may have. The RM number is located at the bottom left hand side of the meter. This meter may have an auto scroll feature that changes screens automatically. Press the button only if the meter has no auto scroll.
How to take a reading
- 24 Hr reading (Total Day & Night) taken from screen CUM kWh
- Day Reading is taken from screen TOU ACTIVE 2 kWh. The decimal point is not included in reading.
- Night Reading will say TOU1 and Wattless Reading will say CUM1
Reading an Iskra MT173 Meter
If your RM number is 649 or 552 this is the meter type you may have. The RM number is located at the bottom left hand side of the meter. This meter may have an auto scroll feature that changes screens automatically.
How to take a reading - record the number left to right. If the meter has a decimal point, this is not included in the reading.
1.8.2 = Day Reading 1.8.1 = Night Reading
5.8.0 = Wattless 1.8.0 = 24 Hour Reading (Total Day & Night)
Please be careful when reading your meter, especially if it is up high or in an inaccessible place.