Generation Minimum Cost Calculator 


AT ESB Networks we are committed to improving the experience of our customers.  As part of this commitment we have developed a Generation Minimum Cost Calculator which is a new online tool aimed at generation applicants who would like to apply for a connection to the Distribution Network. 

The calculator provides an estimation of the minimum costs associated with generator connections to the distribution system operator (DSO) network >200kW. It will not provide the final money amount that will be offered to a customer as a detailed study will always be required to identify any other potential costs.

You may also wish to use our online Availability Capacity Map which provides an indication of the available transformer capacity at substations.  Please see Application Information and Tools here.

Generation Minimum Cost Calculator

Minimum Cost (excl. VAT)

Minimum Cost Breakdown (excl. VAT)

Conductor MW Bracket Distance
Item Count Cost Total

Generation Minimum Cost Calculator FAQs

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