Hello there! How can we help you today?
Power Outages
Real-time information on outages:
No. We do not compensate customers for interruptions. It is a feature of electricity networks that lines have to be switched out from time to time in order to carry out maintenance.
We appreciate the inconvenience that interruptions cause to our customers and we try wherever possible to carry out work while the lines are live. However, on some occasions, lines have to be switched out for safety reasons as it would be too dangerous for our network repair crews to work on them. While we do our best to minimize these interruptions, they are necessary to ensure a better electricity service.
We are responsible for all Network up to the Metering Point. Internal wiring is your responsibility. Check your trip switches and fuses. Watch this video to learn how:
Mast Interference Payments
Complete the attached payment instruction form and return to the above address. Download the Mast Compensation Payment Instruction Form PDF | 622 KB.
The following table indicates the schedule of payments for 2024. These rates are updated each year in line with the Consumer Price Index.
38kV Single Wood Pole
Payment Class | Dimensions | Annual Payments per Mast (Euro) |
A | 38kV Pole | €13.10 |
Table 1 - Payment Rates for 38kV Single Wood Pole
Double Wood Poles
Payment Class | Dimensions | Annual Payments per Mast (Euro) |
B | Under 2.7m wide | €19.73 |
B2 | Treble Pole on 38kV | €39.45 |
C | Over 2.7m wide | €46.86 |
Table 2 - Payment Rates for Double Wood Pole
Steel Tower (Angle Mast)
Payment Class | Dimensions | Annual Payments per Mast (Euro) |
D | Up to 3.0m | €41.26 |
E | >3.0m and <=3.8m | €45.68 |
F | >3.8m and <=4.6m | €59.24 |
G | >4.6m and <=6.1m | €78.89 |
H | >6.1m and <=7.6m | €92.57 |
I | >7.6m and <=9.1m | €114.74 |
J | >9.1m and <=10.7m | €141.91 |
K | >10.7m and <=12.2m | €189.61 |
L | >12.2m and <=13.7m | €209.03 |
M | >13.7m and <=15.2m | €257.57 |
N | >15.2m and <=16.8m | €282.26 |
O | Over 16.8 | €327.60 |
Table 3 - Payment Rates for Steel Tower (Angle Mast)
Download the Mast Compensation Claim Form |Download PDF or call us 1800 372 757 or +353 21 2386555 to request a copy. Send the completed form to:
Mast Administration
ESB Networks
Sarsfield Road,
Wilton, Cork,
Domestic and Commercial customers requiring connections for single, or multi-unit developments may apply online, as well as those looking for a change of capacity.
Domestic and Commercial customers can also apply online for reconnections, if the premises has been disconnected for more than 2 years.
You need to register first for Online Connections and you can then access the online application form. You can register for Online Connections here.
You will need an email address that you will use anytime you want to track your application. Once you have inputted your email address and clicked "Send verification code", you will need to access your email address to input this code on the registration page. Once the email address and code have been verified you will need to input a secure password. Your registration will be complete when you click "Register".
You will need an email address that you will use anytime you want to track your application. Once you have inputted your email address and clicked send verification code, you will need to access your email address to input this code on the registration page Once the email address and code have been verified you will need to input a secure password. Your registration will be complete when you click Register.
If you are completing the registration process via our Smart Customer Portal then in addition you will be required to update your name and telephone number.
It is not possible to apply online for a generator connection. For information on applying for a generator connection, please visit
We recommend speaking to your Electrical Contractor before completing the Connection Capacity section of the form to ensure we provide you with an adequate supply.
Your Electrical Contractor will be able to advise you on the capacity/kVA needs for your premises.
OSI map
Scale of 1:2500 is required for rural dwellings and 1:1000 for urban dwellings.
Site Plan
Scale of 1:100 is required for rural dwellings and 1:500 for urban dwellings.
Connect a Micro-Generator
No. Those connecting Micro-Generators are not required to apply to the Commission for Regulation of Utilities (CRU) in order to receive an Authorisation to Construct/Licence to Generate as they are deemed to be automatically authorised and licensed by Order.
Note: such generators are subject to certain terms and conditions as set out in the relevant Orders (S.I. No. 383 of 2008 and S.I. No. 384 of 2008).
The cost of your bill may fall because you may not be drawing as much power from the electricity network as previously.
However, there is no change to your standing charge which remains the same.
Technical Issues Renewable Generator
General conditions:
- All import customers with a capacity exceeding 100 kilovolt-amperes (kVA)
- Customers with embedded generation
- Combined Heat and Power (CHP) producers
- Autoproducers
General Conditions for Connection:
(PDF | 340 KB)
Technical conditions:
- Connections for customers connected at Medium Voltage (MV) or 38 kilovolts (kV)
- Customers with embedded generation at Low Voltage (LV), MV, or 38kV
Conditions Governing Connection to the Distribution System:
Download PDF
(PDF | 473 KB)
Other relevant conditions:
Distribution Code:
(PDF | 1 MB)
ESB Networks contact person details will be given at the connection offer stage.
For windfarms greater than 5 Megawatts:
(PDF | 1 MB)
Connecting a Community led renewable Energy Project
A Renewable Energy Community means a legal entity:
- Which, in accordance with applicable law, is based on open and voluntary participation, is autonomous, and is effectively controlled by shareholders or members that are located (in the case of SMEs or local authorities) or resident (in the case of natural persons) in the proximity of the ECP project that is owned and developed (or proposed to be owned and developed) by that legal entity;
- The shareholders or members of which are natural persons, SMEs, local authorities (including municipalities), not-for-profit organisations or local community organisations;
- For any shareholder or member (with the exception of “Sustainable Energy Communities” as registered with SEAI), that shareholder or member’s participation does not constitute their primary commercial or professional activity;
- The primary purpose of which is to provide environmental, economic, societal or social community benefits for its shareholders or members or for the local areas where it operates, rather than financial profits;
- In respect of which, each shareholder or member is entitled to one vote, regardless of shareholding or membership interest; and
- Which is, or which has at least one shareholder or member that is, registered as a “Sustainable Energy Community” with SEAI
To apply, a Community-led Project Declaration Form (174 KB) must be completed by a company director (the Applicant). You must also complete either an NC5 application form (413 KB) or an NC5A application form (259 KB). It is important that you complete
all relevant sections of the declaration form and the application form. All site details and applicant information should be uniform across both forms. More detailed information on the application process is available on our website at this link.
To apply as a community-led project, your project must:
- Have a Maximum Export Capacity (MEC) greater than or equal to 0.5 MW and less than or equal to 5 MW;
- Utilise one or more of the following renewable energy generation technologies (and not in combination with non-renewable generation technologies); wind turbines (wind), solar photovoltaic panels (solar), hydraulic turbines (hydro) excluding pumped storage, waste to energy projects, biomass projects and biogas projects
In addition, projects meeting the following community-led definition requirements:
(a) at all relevant times, be at least 100%* owned by a Renewable Energy Community (the “Relevant REC”) either by way of (i) a direct ownership of the ECP project’s assets, or (ii) a direct ownership of the shares in the generator; and
(b) at all relevant times, at least 100%* of all expected profits, dividends and surpluses derived from project are returned to the Relevant REC.
Connecting Mini-Generation
The cost of your bill may fall because you may not be drawing as much power from the electricity network as previously. However, there is no change to your standing charge which remains the same.
Yes. You can connect a Mini-Generator in parallel with ESB Networks provided the requirements in the document "Conditions Governing the Connection and Operation of Mini-Generation" are met.
To familiarise yourself with the process, please read the document Conditions Governing the Connection and Operation of Mini-Generation, (Download PDF | 503 KB).
No. It is a safety condition that no generator connected to the Electricity Network can operate if the electricity supply is off or de-energised. It is a requirement for this type of connection that the standard controls on the Mini-Generator automatically switch it off when the ESB Networks electricity connection is unavailable.
ESB Networks Online Account FAQs
Yes, you can update your name and mobile number on your ESB Networks Online Account. It is important that you use the name and mobile number that you are registered with your current electricity supplier.
However, please note that if your details are updated and no longer match the details registered with your energy supplier, you may lose access to the services provided for your Meter Point Reference Number (MPRN) on your ESB Networks Online Account.
Registering for your Online Account
No. You can only create an account with one email address (we will ask to verify that it is correct).
Yes, if you need to update your password you can do via the Forgot Password link on the login page. Customers who have included a mobile number in their online account profile can update their password using either their email address or their mobile number.
To protect your data, ESB Networks will verify the email registered on your ESB Networks Online Account. If you have not received the verification email, please check your Spam or Junk folder.
Logging into your Online Account
If you have created an online account previously, you can visit the login page here and click on “Forgot your password?”.
If you attempt to log in to your ESB Networks Online Account a number of times with an incorrect password, you may be locked out and unable to login for five minutes.
Deleting your Online Account
You can delete your ESB Networks Online Account by contacting ESB Networks on this email, esbnetworks@esb.ie. It is recommended that customers who have an open New Connection application do not cancel their account until that application is complete.
Finding and Linking my MPRN
ESB Networks requires you to verify that you are the registered customer of that MPRN to allow access many of the services available on your ESB Networks Online Account. This is achieved by sending an SMS to the mobile phone associated with that MPRN. This is based on the mobile number shared by your electricity supplier to ESB Networks. When you attempt to link the MPRN, the last three digits of the mobile number the SMS will be issued to is displayed on the screen.
However, the mobile number and the name you register on your account MUST match the details shared by your electricity supplier or no SMS will issue. Please ensure you register with the details displayed on your electricity bill.
You must be the registered customer of the MPRN in order to link it with your ESB Networks Online Account. If you have just moved into a property and have not fully registered with an energy supplier, you will be unable to link the MPRN. However, once you are the registered customer of the MPRN, you can return to your ESB Networks Online Account and link the MPRN to your account.
The verification code is only valid for five minutes. If you tried to use the verification code after 5 minutes, it will not be accepted. You can request a new verification code on your ESB Networks Online Account once the previous code has expired i.e., after the initial five-minute window.
Your Meter Point Reference number (MPRN) is available on your electricity bill. Please ensure that the name and mobile number you register with on your ESB Networks Online Account matches the detail on your bill that you shared with your current electricity supplier. If you do not have your electricity bill to hand, you can avail of our Find My MPRN service once you create an ESB Networks Online Account. You may also need access to the meter in your home for the RM number and meter serial number to assist in locating your MPRN details. For more information on how to locate the RM and Meter Serial number, please click here.
Your Meter Point Reference Number (MPRN) may be removed from your ESB Networks Online Account if you have previously indicated on the website that you wish to remove the MPRN.
The other potential reason is that a change of legal ownership has taken place and you are no longer the registered customer of that MPRN e.g., you no longer reside at that property. If that is incorrect, please contact ESB Networks by calling 1800 372 757. If phoning from outside the Republic of Ireland, call 021 2386555.
Your Energy Consumption
A Harmonised Downloadable File (HDF) is a record of all the meter read electricity consumption data (30-minute interval reads only) collected by the smart meter in your home. A maximum of two years’ worth of data is recorded, and you can download this file from your ESB Networks Online Account to review.
Please note, ESB Networks does not have access to a customer’s electricity tariff data, just the consumption data recorded by the smart meter in your home. For queries relating to your electricity bill, please contact your supplier.
If you do not have a smart meter installed in your home, you will not have access to a HDF (Harmonised downloadable file).
Please note that as part of the smart metering project, ESB Networks are currently working on making electricity consumption data available to all customers who have a smart meter installed. This service is being rolled out starting October 2022 and will take a number of months to complete. As part of this rollout, some customers may only be able to view data from the day the update occurred on your meter.
Your smart meter data for a maximum of the past two years is available to access on your ESB Networks Online Account. Via your account, you can view a graphical representation of your usage and download your HDF. Please note, you must be the registered customer of the Meter Point Reference Number (MPRN) to access your smart meter data.
Meter Reading Service on your Online Account
Your ESB Networks Online Account can accept meter readings for most meters available in homes across the country. If you look to submit a meter read and your meter is not supported, you will be presented with a separate webpage to submit your reading.
Once you submit a meter reading, it can take a number of days to appear on your ESB Networks Online Account. All meter readings received are verified and reviewed by ESB Networks. If your meter reading is not visible after a few days, contact ESB Networks by calling Smart meters record energy consumption in your home every 30 minutes. The 30-minute interval data shows usage for every 30 minutes allowing you to understand how your electricity usage fluctuates across the day. 1800 372 757 . If phoning from outside the Republic of Ireland, call 021 2386555.
Applying for a Tree Cutting Service via your Online Account
Customers will receive confirmation that their application was submitted via a success screen on the page and via an email to the address associated with the Online Account. The email is sent by no-reply@customerportal.esbnetworks.ie Customers should also check their junk folders if the confirmation email did not arrive in your inbox.
A customer can only apply once for a tree cutting service order against an MPRN (Meter Point Reference Number) on the ESB Networks Online Account. This will be the case until the order has been reviewed by ESB Networks.
To cancel your tree cutting service order, you should contact our National Customer Contact Centre here
Please ensure you have your MPRN and /or your order confirmation number.
Applying for Rewiring Service via your Online Account
Customers will receive confirmation that their application was submitted while on the Online Account and via email to the address associated with the Online Account. The email is sent by no-reply@customerportal.esbnetworks.ie. If you did not receive an email from ESB Networks, you should also look in your junk folder.
To progress with your Rewiring Service Application, payment must be made in full, and the relevant Safe Electric Cert is received.
Applying for Voltage Issue Assessment via your Online Account
Customers will receive confirmation that their application was submitted while on the Online Account and via an email to the address associated with the Online Account. The email is sent by no-reply@customerportal.esbnetworks.ie. If you did not receive an email from ESB Networks, you should also look in your junk folder.
A customer can only apply once for a Voltage issue service against an MPRN on the Online Account. Once that case has been investigated and closed, you will be able to apply again should you need to.
To cancel your Rewiring Service order, you must contact our National Customer Contact Centre by email or phone 1800 372 757 or 021 2386555
Moving In FAQs
Once you have agreed an electricity supply contract, your electricity supplier will process the reconnection on your behalf.
Customers should regard the connection to their property as being LIVE whilst disconnected as the electricity supply could be restored remotely and at any time.
In most cases reconnection will be done remotely. But occasionally an ESB Networks technician may need to attend your premises.
If you have shared your mobile number, you will receive a text message from ESB Networks confirming the reconnection of your supply.