Keeping You & your neighbours connected.


ESB Networks crews are sailing to France tonight to assist their French counterparts with electricity restoration efforts in the aftermath of Storm Ciarán. 

High winds associated with the storm caused over 1.2m homes to lose electricity on the night of Wednesday, 1 November. Tens of thousands of electricity customers, predominantly in the regions of Brittany and Normandy, remain without power today, Saturday, 4 November.   

There is longstanding cooperation in place with electricity network operators in Ireland, the UK and France in providing such support.  

Nicholas Tarrant, Managing Director of ESB Networks, commented: “ESB Networks has a proud track record of responding to storm events in Ireland. ESB Networks crews also support neighbouring countries if requested by electricity network operators following major storm damage. In 2021, crews assisted counterparts on power restoration in England and Scotland following disruptive winds associated with storms Arwen and Barra. “ 

“This evening, an ESB Networks team comprising 48 skilled network technicians and support staff are sailing to Cherbourg to assist our French counterparts in their efforts to restore electricity to customers in Brittany and Normandy following Storm Ciarán. French crews provided considerable support to ESB Networks in electricity restoration efforts post-Storm Ophelia in 2017, predominantly in West and North Cork where some of the worst damage was experienced. Our crews are proudly reciprocating by sharing their expertise to help speedily restore electricity to customers in Northern France in the coming days.”  

Image caption: Alan Kelly, the ESB Networks Senior Manager who will lead the ESB Networks crews in France, pictured at Dublin Port today Saturday 4 November before setting sail.

Media queries to: 

Paul Hand, ESB Press Office

