Keeping You & your neighbours connected.


As Ireland relies more on renewable electricity generation, at certain times the electricity system will be under pressure. Ireland has a plan to grow the contribution of wind and other renewable sources as we move towards a Net Zero future.  However, wind can be variable. A shortage of back up generation means we face a heightened risk that the supply of power can keep pace with demand. This risk is often greatest at the peak times between 5pm and 7pm Monday to Friday. 

At other times, when wind generation is high, consumption may be low and this presents an opportunity to utilise cleaner, less carbon intensive electricity. In recent years a number of Government bodies have been working closely on measures to minimise the risk of disruption and optimise the utilisation of cleaner supply. In 2022 ESB Networks set up a suite of initiatives under an umbrella Programme called ‘Beat the Peak’, as part of the National Network, Local Connections Programme to work with customers across homes and businesses to help move electricity consumption away from times of constraint and utilise during times of cleaner supply. Beat the Peak set out to empower all electricity customers with information on how and when they use electricity matters.

Today. this initiative continues to successfully grow and helps customers all over Ireland to take control of their consumption during peak times, and reduce demand on the electricity system. ESB Networks’ ‘Is This a Good Time?’  campaign was launched as part of these beat the peak initiatives, specifically targeting domestic electricity customers to create awareness and engagement through a communications campaign that educates people, regardless of who their electricity supplier is, on how and when they can use their energy throughout the day. Its purpose is to provide signed up participants with information and tips which will empower them to take control of their electricity usage and give them the opportunity to earn rewards for taking specific actions when prompted, (assuming certain criteria within the terms and conditions are met). After a customer has signed up to the programme via their ESB Networks Online Account, they begin to receive regular email and text messages providing them with simple tips and information on how they can take control of their home's electricity consumption.

ESB Networks will let you know when the best times to use electricity are.  For instance, when renewable generation is high on a windy day, we might let you know it’s a good time to catch up on the laundry you may have been putting off doing.  Another easy one to remember is: any time outside of the peak demand times for electricity of 5-7pm is a good time to use your electrical appliances. This is because fewer people are using electricity at the same time. 

Customers will be asked to take part in energy events (peak & flexibility events) in which they will be asked to take a recommended action during certain times and can earn rewards for taking part. 

What are peak events? 

A peak event is when there are lots of people using electricity at the same time and there is not enough renewable energy generation to supply electricity demand. This means that during peak events electricity is more expensive, more carbon intensive, and it may be less secure 

What are flexibility events? 

A flexibility event occurs in two scenarios in which we may ask you to be flexible with how and when you use your electricity:  

When there is surplus renewable electricity generation, we may encourage you to take advantage of the available renewable energy as it is less expensive and less carbon intensive at this time. You can help by taking control of your electricity during peak events and optimising your usage during flexibility events.
