The most recent Climate Action Plan moves the focus to how individuals and communities use energy – especially renewable energy, rather than just large-scale generation. In support of Ireland’s Climate Action Targets, we have taken specific actions across sections of society which include:
Promoting the use of heat pumps and other renewable heating.
Phasing out of fossil-fuel heating systems such as oil and gas.
Initiatives to support switching to electric vehicles.
Investment in electrifying rail lines.
Power Generation:
Supporting microgeneration in Ireland. Increasing our reliance on renewable energy sources to 80%, and facilitating and supporting new renewable energy technologies on and offshore.
Phasing out of coal and peat electricity generation.
Empowering Customers:
Encouraging communities to use renewable energy locally, from homes and sports clubs to community centres and churches.
Empowering customers with the introduction of new services to support the activities of renewable energy communities and citizen energy communities. We are providing customers “visibility” of their local renewable energy sources, carbon intensity, and the impact of how they manage their demand for electricity.
These changes will support increased electrification of products and services for homes, farms and businesses across Ireland.