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This response paper addresses feedback and comments received during our public consultation on MV Customer Connection Standard Module – Electric Vehicle Charging Hubs in Urban Environment.

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In order to support the Irish Government’s National Climate Action Plan, ESB Networks needs to develop standard options to facilitate faster and optimised connection options for renewable and customer connections to our network. A significant number of Solar connections are expected to come on-stream from 2021. As an IPP could have a solar farm constructed in a much shorter timeframe than, for example, a windfarm development, ESB Networks will have to deliver a Medium Voltage (MV) Embedded Generation Interface Protection (EGIP) Substation connection in a considerably shorter timeframe than our current standard. The aim of this project is to support the renewable energy generation industry in connecting to ESB Networks’ MV network.

Over the past two years, ESB Networks have engaged with stakeholders involved in the renewable generation. These stakeholders varied from utilities in the United Kingdom, IPPs in Ireland to material vendors/retailers.

Based on discussions with all of the various stakeholders, ESB Networks published a consultation document (MV Customer Connection – MV EGIP Standard Module Substation) on the ESB Networks website in November 2020, outlining our proposed standard module substation design. As part of the public consultation process, from November 2020 to January 2021, ESB Networks sought feedback on our proposed MV EGIP Module Substation. The module will significantly reduce the time required on site for constructing and commissioning an ESB Networks MV substation while also standardising our MV EGIP design.

During our open consultation, the project team held a webinar on Friday 11th December 2020. Industry and other interested stakeholders participated in the webinar to find out in greater detail what ESB Networks were proposing in terms of the standard module approach.

This response paper details the Menti survey responses from webinar participants (Section 2), ESB Networks’ responses to stakeholder queries/proposals during both the webinar and the overall consultation (Section 3) and finally our next steps in this project with the showcase module at the National Training Centre (NTC) in Portlaoise (Section 4).


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ESB Networks published an update on its innovation activities entitled “Innovating to Transform the Electricity Network” on February 1st 2021 and invited feedback from interested parties and stakeholders via a public industry consultation. Following a review of stakeholder feedback from all respondents, this response paper addresses the comments and feedback received to our public consultation.

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The purpose of this document is to report, in summary, on the status of our Innovation Project activities as at the end of Q1 2021. This information is being shared in line with our commitments to both the Commission for the Regulation of Utilities and our stakeholders to support transparency and the availability of more information in relation to our innovation projects.

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Expression of Interest for Flexible Demand Connections

Stakeholders have been invited to respond to our recently published Expression of Interest (EOI) - ‘Flexible Demand Connections,’ available on the ESB Networks web site.

The capacity of our distribution network is crucial in empowering our customers to decarbonise their energy consumption, aligning with our mission to deliver Ireland’s clean electric future. Flexible demand connections will play a vital role in this effort.

This initiative is a key action in our Networks for Net Zero Strategy, supporting the Government’s target to reach net zero by 2050 by ensuring a net zero-ready electricity network by 2040.  ESB Networks will explore innovative solutions to manage the growing demand for electricity by optimising existing infrastructure and reducing overall system costs. This approach includes developing local flexibility markets and implementing timed connections, allowing conditional early access to the network while minimising the need for immediate network reinforcements.  

We value stakeholder feedback and encourage interested parties to submit your views and expression of interest by 17:00 on Tuesday, 16th July 2024.

Participation is vital as it will guide our strategies to maximise distribution network capacity and support our transition to a net zero future.  Please use the Microsoft Form to register your expression of interest.

We look forward to stakeholder input and thank you for your ongoing support and engagement.

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Farm Safely with Electricity (updated Jan 2024)

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Farming overhead safety PDF

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Flexibility MYP 2024-28_Accessible

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Dear Customer and Stakeholder,

As part of the Hybrid Working Group under the FlexTech initiative, EirGrid and ESB Networks have today published the response to consultation on potential contractual options for Multiple Legal Entities sharing a single connection point.

Hybrids present an opportunity for both System Operators (SO) and industry to maximise the use of existing network assets and increase capacity factors, with the potential to improve security of supply. While it is currently possible to obtain a Connection Agreement for a Hybrid site or unit and connect to the network, the SOs under the Hybrid working group are investigating  the issue of one customer, one connection point in relation to Multiple Legal Entities behind one connection point. If this can be implemented in a manner that works for the SOs and for industry, this may help to maximise the use of transmission and distribution infrastructure and assist in delivering our 2030 targets.

The documents outlines the key areas of feedback received from stakeholders and the SOs next steps. To view ESB Networks’ response to this consultation click here.

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