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Innovation Strategy Close Out Report - Real Value – Balancing Heat _ Electricity Demand

Traditionally, large fossil fuel based generation provided flexibility on our systems. New flexibility technologies such as energy storage, vehicle to grid (V2G), web based domestic control systems, Smart Meters, advanced information sensing, advanced data analytics and new supplier business models are now emerging to take the place plant of large fossil fuel generators and decarbonize flexibility. 
The aim of the Flexibility on Our Networks roadmap is to understand the impacts and the possibilities provided by the use of flexibility in the overall electrical energy system and also develop systems and processes that cost effectively enable the provision of flexibility from within the distribution network. 

Real Value was a H2020 project to investigate the impact of controllable electric heating to provide a more flexible network and a solution to Demand-Side Management (DSM) at Low Voltage (LV) level.  This allowed energy users of all kinds to act as “virtual power plants”. The project was completed in collaboration with Glen Dimplex, EirGrid, Intel, SSE, UCD and Oxford University and included physical demonstrations in Ireland, Germany and Latvia where the Smart Electric Thermal Storage (SETS) units were installed into 1,250 homes. 

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Innovation Strategy Close Out Report - RESERVE

RESERVE is an EU H2020 funded project with 10 other consortium partners to develop solutions capable of enabling 100% renewable generation on electricity networks. ESB Networks focused on Voltage Control techniques which utilise inverter-based technologies to provide voltage support to the distribution network. The project successfully demonstrated that a Voltage Control solution can be implemented in real world scenarios utilising multiple types of DER technologies, are inherently scalable, can be integrated with additional external monitoring devices and is capable of positively contributing towards the resolution of constraints encountered by the distribution network.

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Innovation Strategy Close Out Report - Scada Digital Polling Radio

It is essential for ESB Networks to assess the advances in materials and technologies relating to network assets, and to understand how they can be deployed to optimise existing network assets.

This project implemented the rollout of Digital Polling Radio System for Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) communications to provide a nationwide resilient and secure UHF radio communications. The system connected 564 HV stations via 80 radio base stations and implemented a National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) approved cyber security standard for the encryption of electronic data. The Network Management system was commissioned to provide remote monitoring and management to enable fast resolution, a reduction in site visits by engineers and the provision of advanced notice of any system deteriorations. 


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Innovation Strategy Close Out Report - Sigfox Trial

It is essential for ESB Networks to assess the advances in materials and technologies relating to network assets, and to understand how they can be deployed to optimise existing network assets.

SigFox is a low power telecommunications technology designed to provide low cost solutions which can be deployed in large volumes nationwide. The objective of the SigFox trial was to test and validate the performance of Sigfox technology for a variety of applications and services in a number of locations as part of a smart network. SigFox is part of the internet of things (IOT) for smart connected devices enabling intelligent networks.

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Innovation Strategy Close Out Report - Special K – Improved Continuity for 20kV earth faults by reducing the range of SEF operation

As extreme weather events and cybersecurity threats become more frequent, and our economy electrifies, ESB Networks will need to build network resilience to mitigate disruption, ensure the security of supply. 

Sensitive Earth Faults (SEF) are difficult to detect as they have very low fault current values. During SEF operation, the protection device does not attempt to automatically reclose the circuit breaker to test if the fault conditions are still present. Customers remain off supply until the site is visited by ESB Networks staff.  The project’s aim was to trial innovative approaches to SEF to improve the continuity of electrical supply to customers.

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Innovation Strategy Close Out Report - Staff Digitisation Project – Lone Working Safety Device

Delivering a future-ready network service and ensuring operational excellence requires a deep understanding of where, how, when customers use the network, why faults occur, and having the ability to deploy solutions quickly. Central to these efforts is the empowering employees with the technology necessary to gather, manage and analyse network data. 

The safety of over 1,950 Network Technicians and over 1,000 other field staff who travel alone is paramount. In order to reduce the potential vulnerability of our staff working alone, ESB Networks introduced a safety device to provide extra reassurance. This project tested and assessed the suitability and associated integration into our digital system of the V.ALERT  lone working device to improve lone working safety in case of an emergency.

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Innovation Strategy Close Out Report – Superhomes 2.0

ESB Networks engaged in the IERC Co-ordinated Superhomes 2.0 project with four Irish based consortium partners in order to develop an understanding of the impact on the distribution network and electrical demand in general of ASHPs in newly retrofitted residential dwellings. We installed Advanced Metering Infrastructure at 20 diverse premises located throughout the country and leveraged this technology to gain an in-depth understanding of the seasonal and climate factors that impacted these premises’ energy requirements.

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Innovation Strategy Progress Report - Intelligent Secondary Substation Monitoring (Winter Peak)

Decarbonisation of the electrical network will see a significant impact on the Low Voltage (LV) network with the increasing integration of Low Carbon Technologies (LCTs) such as heat pumps, solar PV and Electric Vehicles. The effect on the LV network as a consequence of the integration of these new technologies is not yet fully understood. To gain valuable knowledge of these technologies, ESB Networks are trialling a number of different innovative monitoring devices to fully understand what is required to effectively monitor the LV network.

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Innovation Strategy Progress Report - Smarter HV and MV Customer Connections – New Approaches to Distribution Planning _ Security of Supply Standards

The project aims to review the current ESB Networks planning and security of supply standard and update and evolve these standards to ensure that they facilitate the objectives of the ESB Networks Innovation Strategy. These novel standards will take account of the requirements of binding National and EU Energy Directives and Network Codes, whilst cost effectively maintaining a safe, secure and reliable distribution system. These  novel standards will facilitate the introduction of non secured access for distributed generators and non wires alternative solutions.

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Innovation to Connect a Clean Electric Future

The purpose of this consultation is to seek views and comments from stakeholders on ‘Innovation to Connect a Clean Electric Future’. This document gives an overview of ESB Networks Innovation Strategy, framework, processes, governance and projects, with a particular focus on our innovation activities in 2021 and our pipeline of innovation projects into 2022.  


In ESB Networks, the purpose of our innovation is to develop and implement new ideas with enduring benefits for our customers as Ireland transitions to a low carbon society. ESB Networks Innovation Strategy supports the transformation of the electricity network to facilitate this low carbon future and strengthens the culture of innovation and collaboration needed to deliver this energy transition for the benefit of our customers.  Our Innovation Strategy Framework manages every stage of the development and implementation of strategic initiatives, from setting the vision to establishing business as usual. This framework has been applied to a balanced portfolio of projects across our three pillars; Future Customer, Climate Action and Network Resilience that align with our business strategy and take account of feedback received from industry and key stakeholders.  

This consultation document also presents an overview of ESB Networks innovation activities in 2021. It outlines ESB Networks' 29 innovation projects, our 13 pipeline projects and 5 new ideas that we have identified for further consideration and possible progression into our roadmaps.

Our new publication is now open for consultation and is available to view here:  Innovation to Connect a Clean Electric Future |Download PDF 10.2MB

We welcome your views and feedback on how ESB Networks delivers innovation and whether we are focusing on the right innovation areas. Please submit all feedback to by 5pm, Tuesday 1st March 2022.


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Innovation to Deliver the Electricity Network for a Clean Electric Future

At ESB Networks, we’re delivering the electricity network for Ireland’s clean electric future and Innovation is a key enabler in our Networks for Net Zero Strategy.

We are delighted to issue our Annual Innovation Public Consultation “Innovation to Deliver the Electricity Network for a Clean Electric Future.”  The consultation details our recent innovation activities and the projects ongoing in ESB Networks in 2022. We are looking for your views and feedback on our upcoming innovation projects and initiatives.

Please submit your comments and feedback to by 17:00, Wednesday 1st March 2023.

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The purpose of this document is to report, in summary, on the status of our Innovation Project activities as at the end of Q2 2021. This information is being shared in line with our commitments to both the Commission for the Regulation of Utilities and our stakeholders to support transparency and the availability of more information in relation to our innovation projects.

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