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SEMC consultation 2106 System Services Future Arrangements HLD - ESB Networks response 21.10.2021

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Senior Activity Sheet 2

Activity Sheet Senior 2

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Senior Level Lesson 3

Understand the concept of electrical conductors and insulators.

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Senior Level Lesson 4

Identify how to stay safe with electricity in the local environment.

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The SERVO (System-wide Energy Resource and Voltage Optimisation) project was delivered in collaboration with the Telecommunications Software and Systems Group (TSSG) at Waterford Institute of Technology (WIT). This report details delivery of the SERVO Live & Flex modules, in support of the Dingle Electrification Project, which had two aims:  To develop the technical infrastructure to enable secure collection, storage and reporting of data collected from IOT devices deployed on the electricity network; to develop a secure application programme interface (API) to securely enable access to this IOT data set held within the Microsoft Azure Cloud database.

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Site 40 PSA Report

Site 40 PSA Report 
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Site 50 PSA Report

Site 50 PSA Report 
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Site 50 Recommendations Letter

Site 50 recommendation letter 
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Site 51 PSA Report

Site 51 PSA Report
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Site 51 Recommendations Letter

Site 51 Recommendation Letter 
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Site 52 PSA Report

Site 52 PSA Report 
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Site 52 Recommendation letter

Site 52 Recommendation letter 
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