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Registered Capacity

Modification No. 25 - Registered Capacity. 

Effective Date 13/08/2014

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597 KB

Reponse to Feedback on ESB Networks Stakeholder Engagement Report 2020

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807 KB

Request for Expressions of Interest for Partnering with ESB Networks on P2P Energy Trial

ESB Networks is seeking Expressions of Interest from domestic electricity suppliers to become a partner on a Peer-to-Peer Energy trial as part of the Dingle demonstration project.  The final date for submission of Expressions of Interest is 3rd July 2020 and ESB Networks intends to have selected its preferred partner by end July, with the trial commencing from September 2020. 

Update Please note that the period for the submission of Expressions of Interest is now closed.

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1001 KB

Requirements for Generators

Connection requirements for new generators. The detailed requirements currently being developed and transferred into our existing Distribution Code. They will only apply to new generators whose plant procured from May 2018 onwards.

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192 KB

Response to Stakeholder Feedback received on our engagement performance in 2023

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269 KB

Rules for Application of DUoS Tariff Group

This document outlines the rules for applying the correct Distribution Use of System tariff (DUoS Group) to a customer premises or connection point.

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6 MB

Safe Construction with Electricity new

ESB Networks Safe Construction with Electricity booklet
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318 KB

Safety Competition Top Tips for creating your poster

Safety Competition Top Tips for Creating your Poster.

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382 KB

Safety Co-ordination (DOC 11) - Modification No. 38

Modification No 38 Safety Procedures

Effective Date 23/02/2016

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263 KB

Safety Procedures - Modification No. 39

Modification No. 39 - Safety Procedures

Effective Date 23/02/2016

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154 KB

Safety Tips

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384 KB

School Safety Poster 2021

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