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How do I change my MIC?
Why is Maximum Import Capacity (MIC) important?

It sets an upper limit on the total electrical load you may use. It impacts how much you will be charged for your connection.


  • If the MIC is too high, you will be paying for more capacity than you need.
  • If the MIC is too low, your equipment may not operate correctly and you may incur an excess capacity charge.
How do I find out what is the right Maximum Import Capacity (MIC) for my needs?

Discuss your electrical needs with an Electrical contractor

From our experience, it is almost always much lower than the sum of the kilowatt ratings of the equipment you plan to install.

What is Maximum Import Capacity?

(MIC) is the maximum electricity demand level that can be catered for by your connection to our network.

MIC is stated in kilovolt-amps but this value is, in most cases, similar to the number of kilowatts that may be catered for by the connection.

Applying for a new connection:

  • specify the maximum electricity demand level you require (MIC)
  • We then design our network to provide a connection method in accordance with the agreed MIC
How do I get an electric fence connected on my farm?
How do I get a connection to an out-farm yard for lighting?

Note: Establish first if the load is 3 kVA or less

If so, visit Domestic connection in Get connected section to apply:

Domestic connection

Important: State that the supply is required for farm lighting.

How do I get a connection on my farm?

You will need to establish the size of the electrical load required for your farm premises.

If the load required is 29 kVA or less:

Domestic connection

If your premises requires a load of 30 kVA or more:

Commercial unit connection

For more information:

Farm connection
I need to increase/decrease the electricity supply capacity to my commercial premises?

You will need to Apply online to increase/decrease the electricity supply capacity to your commercial premises.

For more information:

Change business level of supply
I am buying or leasing a new commercial/industrial unit. What do I need to consider in relation to the electricity supply?
  • If the electricity supply capacity is sufficient for your needs.
  • MIC the contracted electricity capacity for your premises based on information your developer has provided to us.
  • The current MIC of the premises.
  • Discuss your present and future electricity requirements with an electrical contractor or engineer.
  • Take into account all business equipment and the building's heating and cooling needs.

If the current MIC is incorrect for your requirements, contact us on1800 372 757or+353 21 2386555to discuss.

Note: Where possible your MIC should reflect your actual requirements If your MIC level is higher than you need, you will incur unnecessary charges.

I have followed all your procedures for a new connection, but I am still not connected to the electricity network. What should I do?
Is it possible to get an additional meter at my existing dwelling for a family apartment?

Yes, for more information:

Connect an additional meter
How will I know when the electricity is live?

Once we have the connection point live, either your own electrical contractor or the builder's electrician will switch on the electricity in your new home and let you know when it's done.

Or call:

1800 372 757


+353 21 2386555

Note: have your Meter Point Reference Number (MPRN) to hand.


How long can I expect to wait before the supply is made live?
Most connections are completed within 10 working days.
Are homeowners charged for new electricity connections in houses/apartments in developments?

Usually we apply an overall connection charge to the builder for all the dwellings in the development and they incorporate the charge into the sale price.

Note:In some instances however a connection charge may be payable.

How can I pay for my new connection?
Pay a Networks invoice

Note: Payment must be made before work will start.

What do I need to do to get a new house connected on a single site, i.e. not part of a housing development?
Do I have to apply to ESB Networks to get an electricity supply to my newly built property?

Yes. ESB Networks is responsible for bringing electricity to all electricity customers in the Republic of Ireland.


Electrical contractor
I am ready to move into a new business. What do I need to do?

If moving into a new multi-unit premises:

Moving into a new multi-unit premises


I have built a single commercial / industrial unit.:

Commercial unit connection
I am about to move in to a new house in a housing development. What do I do to get the electricity connected?

Moving multi-unit premises

For a step by step guide

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